SanXingDui By AncientSwanSanXingDui 三星堆, China 中国, 315BC
Sanxingdui (Chinese: 三星堆) is the site of an ancient city, founded in the Bronze Age with continued existence for almost 2000 years. Sanxingdui was the capital of the anicent kingdom of Shu, in modern day China.
The Sanxingdui archaeological site is located about 4 km northeast of Nanxing Township, Guanghan, Deyang, Sichuan Province. Archaeological digs at the site showed evidence of a walled city founded c. 1,600 BCE.
The city was built on the banks of the Yazi River (Chinese: 涧河) and enclosed part of its tributary, Mamu River, within the city walls. The walls were surrounded by canals which were used for irrigation, inland navigation, defense, and flood control.
The Kingdom of Shu was conquered by the state of Qin in 316 BCE, after which the city was looted and abandoned.
三星堆是一座古城遗址,始建于青铜时代,至今已有近 2000 年的历史。三星堆是古代蜀国的首都,在现代中国。
三星堆遗址位于四川省德阳市广汉市南兴乡东北约4公里处。现场的考古挖掘显示了一座围墙城市的证据。公元前 1600 年。
公元前 316 年,蜀国被秦国征服,之后这座城市被洗劫一空,被遗弃。
- Extract the .cok and .cok.cid files into your folder “AppData/LocalLow/Colossal Order/Cities Skylines II/Maps"
- If there is no "maps" folder yet in this folder, create a Maps folder.
Map Information: THEME: European (To be updated once the Editor is officially out) CLIMATE: -5 - 35 C LATITUDE: Northern Hemisphere BUILDABLE AREA: 85% OUTSIDE CONNECTIONS: All Connections available. Road. Rail. Sea. Air. Power. NATURAL RESOURCES: Fertile land, Oil, and Ore cover most of the map.
Cheers, AncientSwan