Let your City Building Imagination run WildGeo Cities "DREAMSCAPE".
Hi and Thankyou for taking a look at my Creation. This is DreamScape where your Dreams of a Futuristic City come true. Map Created By Xspired Designs.
Extract the Files in your folder "AppData/LocalLow/Colossal Order/Cities Skylines II/Maps"
If maps doesn't exist in this folder, create one!
Map Information:
Geometrically 99% Perfect (Well it's as close as i can get , The games Engine does Not like Geometric design trust me after many MANY hours of hard testing its just not possible not 100% perfect but its close).
This Map has a fully working Road System and can connect very quickly to all four borders.
Islands Left Disconnected so you can plan your future routes.
Shipping Lanes from all borders run around the Island.
- Map includes huge amounts of agriculture resources, oil and ore resources , and water resources.
Special Notes:
Use at your own risk, performance is NOT guaranteed! The map has highly complex geometry.
Map was created in game so lost a couple years in time due to testing and water control, there may be errors or unintended issues due to mods used to create this map.But has been tested Vanilla and all seems to be fine.
No.2 In the Geo Cities Catalog , i hope you enjoy it and look forward to your future cities.
Version 1.0.0
- If you Appreciate the effort that goes into these Maps for you to Enjoy could you Please a like on the download segment i really appreciate it ;)