Well I'll Be Dammed....Geo Cities "MAYAN VIBES V.2".
Hi and Thankyou for taking the time to look at my Creation.
This is "Mayan Vibes V2 " Ancient Times brought to the Modern City REDUX EDITION - A Map Created By Xspired Designs.
Extract the Files in your folder "AppData/LocalLow/Colossal Order/Cities Skylines II/Maps"
If maps doesn't exist in this folder, create one!
Map Information:
A True Paradise for those looking for that Modern Eligant City with an Ancient Past.
This Map has a fully working Road System and can connect very quickly to all four borders.
Border Levels reccomended you use a 40m High Road to connect initially.
- Roads have be updated some roads have been removed and others added.
- Water Control Canal System has been created (Critical if flooding occurs...)
- HUGE MEGA DAM has been added which is self sufficient ,Idle 2000MW when staffed 20.000MW+, power is already connected to the full map.
- Mayan Pyramid is now more in keeping with the Mayan Vibe.
- Genral fixes to the map which i had missed in V1 (There may still be some things missed my appologies if there are please let me know via the Cities 2 Community on Facebook)
- Very small amount of Detailing just for show.
Map includes huge amounts of agriculture/Forestry resources, oil and ore resources , and water resources.
HUGE DAM that makes a rediculous amount of power , connect to borders and make 2 million per month instantly :)
Special Notes:
WATER WARNING , you know how the water physics in this game are a little Messy so this is just a warning that majour flooding could occur if dam is broken ( i have made as many precautions as possible to help any possible failures),
WATER SPIKES , if you run the game at >>> Triple Speed the water physics engine may go into meltdown which will cause flooding , if this happens just put it back to > Normal Speed.
Use at your own risk, performance is NOT guaranteed! The map has highly complex geometry and Colosals Engine doesnt like it. (This normally goes for most of my maps but this map is running very smooth due to the much less complex design.)
Map was created in game so lost a couple years in time due to testing and water control (DEC 2025), there may be errors or unintended issues due to mods used to create this map.But has been tested Vanilla and all seems to be fine.
No.6 In the Geo Cities Catalog, i hope you enjoy it and look forward to your future cities.
Version 2.0.0
- If you Appreciate the effort that goes into these Maps for you to Enjoy could you Please a like on the download segment i really appreciate it ;)