"Geo-Kingdoms - The Lost City".

Hi and Thankyou for taking the time to look at my New Creation.

This is "The Lost City" No.1 of a new series of maps - Created By Xspired Designs.


  • Extract the Files in your folder "AppData/LocalLow/Colossal Order/Cities Skylines II/Maps"

  • If maps doesn't exist in this folder, create one!

Map Information:

  • A Mega Build by any measure , Lots of Time & Lurrrve went into creating this.
  • 529 Tiles Filled with a forbidden world for you to build your Dream Cities upon.
  • A Multi Layered Road system is in place , all you need do is make your own paths to it.
  • Water sources are self replenishing so be carefull with those ;)
  • As always plenty of Resources have been placed in and around the map.

Special Notes:

  • Use at your own risk, performance is NOT guaranteed! The map has highly complex geometry and Colosals Engine doesnt like it.

  • Map was created in game but time has been lost due to optomising and water control testings (Leaks , flows ect) . (Feb 2026) there may be errors or unintended issues. Just be mindfull of water nodes , and roads on high surfaces , as much as ive tried to make sure they are perfect as they can be , there will be some areas where Anarky Mod may of been used to help and can sometimes cause adverse effects if this happens to you just delete the object in question and lay down a new one ;)

  • Has been tested Vanilla and all is fine.

  • No.1 In the NEW Geo-Kingdoms Catalog). A new series that i shall endeavour to change things up and create new Realms every week or so depending on Life and how much time it decides i can use ;)

Version 1.0.0

  • If you Appreciate the effort that goes into these Maps for you to Enjoy could you Please a like on the download segment i really appreciate it ;)
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