Just Keep Building..."Mexico-Plaza Del Ejecutivo".
Hi and Thankyou for taking the time to look at my New Creation.
This is "Mexico's Plaza Del Ejecutivo" Just a quick build i threw together in a few hours after seeing a satelight photo of the city - Created By Xspired Designs.
Extract the Files in your folder "AppData/LocalLow/Colossal Order/Cities Skylines II/Maps"
If maps doesn't exist in this folder, create one!
You can also use the Map installer Mod if needed.
Map Information:
- Just a "Close As Possible" Representation of this city in Mexico.
- Very Stable Map very little time lost when starting map All roads have been checked and traffic should flow very nicely ( I have used 5 Lane one way roads to get you started )
Special Notes:
Use at your own risk, performance is NOT guaranteed!. (Should be 0 Issues with this map)
Created Just for fun , and maybe a few of you could use it to build upon :)
Has been tested Vanilla and all is fine.
Version 1.0.0
- If you Appreciate the effort that goes into these Maps for you to Enjoy could you Please a like on the download segment i really appreciate it ;)