This Content Warning mod allows you to change the behavior of the hookRescue Hook Customizer
You can make the hook the most desired item for any player. The mod will only work for you in any lobby. The mod is a panel in which you can customize any hook value, and also become Spider-Man.
When you have a mod active and other players who don't have it are using the grappling hook, it may look weird on your screen.
How to use?
Open/close mod panel: F8.
Panel can be dragged around the screen.
To change parameters, it is better to turn on pause mode (Esc), so you can see the cursor.
It is strictly not recommended to switch an item slot to another when using a grappling hook.
Infinity charges - infinite number of uses. When active - the battery is not wasted when using the hook.
Spiderman mode - Spiderman mode. Like Peter Parker, you can cut across the map, clinging to whatever you want. The rope of your hook will become like a spring, and you will hang until you release the LMB. The Lauch force parameter will not affect the hook force in this mode; instead, you adjust the Spring parameter. I advise you to use more optimal settings for this mode: -- Alternative spiderman mode: no. -- Active ragdoll on use: optional. -- Use gravity on fire: yes. -- Ragdoll and impulse on stop use: you can get more realistic grappling hook behavior in this mode (optional). -- Moving in air: no.
Alternative spiderman mode - alternative spider-man mode. With this mode, you can fly on a hook like Aladdin, moving quickly and more accurately around the map. Simulates a spring based only on Hooke's law. Recommended settings: -- Spiderman mode: no. -- Active ragdoll on use: no. -- Use gravity on fire: no. -- Ragdoll and impulse: no. -- Moving in air: no.
Active ragdoll on use - activates a rag doll for 2 seconds when using a hook.
Use gravity on fire - affects whether you will be affected by gravity when using a grappling hook in Spiderman mode and Alternative spiderman mode.
Ragdoll and impulse on stop use - when active, when you release the hook in Spiderman mode and Alternative spiderman mode, your ragdoll will be activated and your character will be pushed in the direction of the last movement in space when using the hook with Force on swing stop.
Moving in air - when active in spiderman type modes you will be able to accumulate inertial forces when moving in the air, since the resistance in the air is close to zero.
Drag force on owner - affects whether some part of the force will act on you, pulling you towards the player while pulling the player with the hook.
Range - hook range
Launch force - the force of the hook, at a time when spiderman type modes are not active.
Drag force - the force with which you will pull the player towards you using a hook.
Spring - spring force, has an effect when one of the spiderman type modes is active.
Force on swing stop - the force of the push that will be applied to you when releasing the hook in spiderman type mode.
Max spring distance multiplier - multiplier of the maximum spring length, which will be equal to the initial distance (from the shot to the point of impact) multiplied by the parameter value. The lower the value, the faster you will be pulled towards the hit point in spiderman mode, since the current length of the spring in its extended state will be equal to 1/value of its initial length.
Min spring distance multiplier - multiplier of the minimum spring length, which will be equal to the initial distance (from the shot to the point of impact) multiplied by the parameter value.
Reset (no save) - resets parameters to default values.
Save config - saves the current settings, which will be automatically loaded when the game starts.
Load config - loads the last saved settings.