A mod that expands integration of Discord Rich Presence in Content WarningLeekPresence
Since original game's Discord Rich Presence is not very interesting enough, this mod extends it with adding several new things:
- Large and small icons to the presence status
- Providing information about local player and whenether is camera filming or not (updated every 10 seconds)
- Abillity to invite friends through Discord (if they have LeekPresence too)
- Some more Rich Presence statuses such as if players just got back from the Old World and are watching the video or unfortunately losing the quota
As of now you can only change Discord App ID for abillity to change presence icons, but more config will probably be added in later updates. (That is first mod that uses BepInEx config, so you need to change it in your mod manager's Config Manager or mod's cfg file in BepInEx config folder)
- Discord App ID (long)
- Description: Determines Discord App ID for mod to use.
- Default value:
Icon values for configuration
- Large icons
- shows up in main menu and when crew got back from the old worldlobby
- shows up when in non-started lobbysurface
- shows up when in started lobby on surfacefactory
- shows up in old worldfailedquota
- shows up when failing quotawatchingvideo
- shows up in process of watching video
- Small icons
- shows up when virality isnt loadedvirality
- shows up when virality is loadedalive
- indicates whenether or not you're alive, dead or everyone has died