1-20 of 31 results

NuGet Microsoft.Extensions.ObjectPool package re-bundled for convenient consumption and dependency management.

NuGet SmartFormat.Extensions.Xml package re-bundled for convenient consumption and dependency management.

NuGet SmartFormat.Extensions.Time package re-bundled for convenient consumption and dependency management.

NuGet SmartFormat.Extensions.System.Text.Json package re-bundled for convenient consumption and dependency management.

NuGet SmartFormat.Extensions.Newtonsoft.Json package re-bundled for convenient consumption and dependency management.

NuGet WebSocketSharp-netstandard package re-bundled for convenient consumption and dependency management.

NuGet System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource package re-bundled for convenient consumption and dependency management.

NuGet System.Security.AccessControl package re-bundled for convenient consumption and dependency management.

NuGet System.Threading.Channels package re-bundled for convenient consumption and dependency management.

NuGet System.ServiceModel.Primitives package re-bundled for convenient consumption and dependency management.

NuGet System.Private.ServiceModel package re-bundled for convenient consumption and dependency management.