My Destiny Weapon ScriptDestinyWeaponsScript -0.1.1
---- Includes -0.0.1
- HawkMoon_HandCannon_script.
---- Update 0.1.1
- Add the script for "TheOldWyas"
---- Update 0.2.1
Add the Script for Hakke_Test-Add
Add Script to control the size of holographic projection sights.
Change "TheOldWyas" Script logic.
---- Update 0.3.1
- Add HawkMoon Buff Script
---- Update 0.3.2
- Bugfix support for HawkMoon
---- Update 0.3.4
- Fixed the exception of throwing empty objects when the gun is not in hand.
---- Update 0.3.5
- Fix gain level bug
- Modify the calculation method of the buff bonus
---- Update 0.3.6
- Fix Unable to reset buff
- Fixed bug where bullets sometimes hit the head without increasing buff rank
---- Update 0.3.7
- Fix some errors.
---- Update 0.3.8
- Fix close range shooting Inability to accumulate buffs
- Fix the problem that the error will always be reported after failing to hit the headshot and failing to hit sosig
---- Update 0.4.0
- Reworked scope scale effect. Now trigger effects based on eye position, not head position. Therefore, interpupillary distance needs to be manually configured, In the config file.
---- Update 0.4.1
- Changed the way you get player information, Should be able to fix the bug of incompatibility with other VR devices;
- Add Finger Tracking Script.
---- Update 0.4.2
- Close the Controller appearance
---- Update 0.4.3
- Add PlayerFollowVehicleRot : Let the player follow the vehicle rotation correctly After the engine fires
---- Update 0.4.4
- Add a script that supports "HalfDan_D"
---- Update 0.4.5
- Fixed bug where parts of the controller outline were not hidden