Update Log

  • 1.0.3 Removed old level loader code.Added EFThread.

  • 1.0.2 Added WM map name reader.

  • 1.0.1

    • Added LevelLoaderSystem for EF mods.
    • Added SaveLevelSystem support.
  • 1.0.0 publish


Base mod for EscapeFrame mods.

What is EscapeFrame:

Basically, this is a plan to realize the game mode of escaping from takov in h3vr. Will be open source when it almost done.(now my workspace is super messy....)

Most art/audio resources from [Escape From Tarkov].

This plan is divided into several parts:

Module Progress
Health(BuffAndMedItems) Published
Save items in level Published
Map and map loader like TNH 80%
Economy and shop 40%
Loot 30%
SosigSpawn 10%
Secure container 0%
Quest and Hideout 0%
Extraction 0%
... ...

My discord -> Sock#5644 .

Feedback / bug please attach log or video and detailed description. Thanks! I'm not a native English speaker and rarely discord online. I'm sorry if I don't reply in time.

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