A collection of grenades From WWI and WWII.
- The F1 French was the original "Pineapple grenade." It functions much like how you'd expect pinned grenades like the Mk2 or F1 Russian to work.
- The Kugelhandgranate was Germany's first attempt at a hand grenade before the more famous stielhandgranate. It's heavy and rolls around a lot.
- The No.2 Hales was an early British grenade that can be thrown farther like the stielhandgranate, but this one comes with an impact fuse.
- The SRCM Mod.35 is an Italian grenade from WW2, and it has an impact fuse.
- F1 French from Verdun
- Kugelhandgranate by Ovidiu Barat
- No.2 Hales by James Stone
- SRCM Grenade by ImLiteral
V1.0.0 -- Initial Release