Bubba's at it again! He's been turning all sorts of classic firearms into Tacticool Mall-Ninja Nonsense! Every single firearm in this pack is based on real-world images of cursed firearms.

You get:

  • The Deagle 12 Gauge - Ever wonder why you're not supposed to put 12 gauge shells in a Desert Eagle? Well nothing's stopping you this time! This single-shot weapon weapon lets you manually load a single 12 gauge short shell. You can use the safety or slide lock to lock the slide.
  • The Bubba Mosin - one of thousands of modified Moist Nuggets. It has an RIS Fore, AR Stock, and pistol grip haphazardly slapped on, like all true Bubba Classics.
  • The Bubba K98K - like the Moist Nugget, the K98K has been modified, this time with a FAL Para stock, pistol grip, extended mag, and Pic rail.
  • Big Irene - A big iron with bigger AR furniture!
  • The MAC4A1 - shows what happens when one prioritizes puns over taste. This SMG has an enlarged charging handle and pic rail in addition to an M4 Barrel and stock.
  • The StenP5 - adds MP5 furniture to a classic Sten, as well as using MP5 magazines.
  • The "Krab" AK - custom-made bullpup conversion kit of the AKM.
  • The Tacticool Luger - integrally suppressed Luger pistol with a pic rail mounted directly to the toggle lock.
  • The Tacitcool Mauser - Mauser M712 with pic rails, a standoff device, custom grips, etc.


V1.0.0 -- Initial Release

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