A mod compilation of Guns from Modern AmericaGuns Of Modern America
Do you smell that? Smells like... freedom. Or a McDonalds. Same thing, really. This is the biggest of the Modern Weapons modpacks, with loads of 1911s and AR-15s, and some other stuff too.
For additional weapons from 'Merica, we suggest you check out Meat's Modular AR2 and NotWolfie's AR2+, as well as Meat's ModulMCX. Be advised that these mods are LARGE and may make your profile even more bloated.
NOTE: Older mods in this modpack do not have on-demand loading. Be advised that you may experience long load times depending on your profile.
- Texas Derringer by Volks
- Kimber K6S by Volks
- Ruger GP100 by Potatoes
- Ruger LCR in 9mm, .38 Special, .22 LR and .22 WMR by Potatoes
- SW 327 by devyndamonster
- SW 329 by Potatoes
- SW 340PD by Capt_Tony
- SW 360J by Volksterism
- SW 442 by Volksterism
- SW 586 by Potatoes
- SW 610 by Muzzle
- SW Ladysmith by Muzzle
Automatic Pistols:
- 2011 10mm by Lua
- Archon Arsenal B by Muzzle
- Automags III & IV by Muzzle
- BobergXR9S by ArmeniaINC
- Coonan Compact Magnum by Muzzle
- Flux Raider P365 by Brillcrafter
- Hi Point G1 by Potatoes
- HPJXP10mm by Volksterism
- Kimber Micro 9 by Volks
- Kimber Rapide 1911 by Muzzle
- Kimber Super Jagre by Muzzle
- KKM Glock by FraDirahra
- LAR Grizzly Mk V by NovaProot
- M45A1 by Lua
- Micro Deagle by Andrew_FTW
- MP Shield by Andrew_FTW
- P50 by Andrew_FTW
- Ruger 45 by Potatoes
- Ruger 57 by Potatoes
- Ruger Mk4 2245 by NovaProot
- Ruger MK4 Lite by FraDirahra
- SA Hellcat by Andrew_FTW
- SIG P229 Legion by Muzzle
- SIG P320 by Muzzle
- SIG P320 X5 by FraDirahra
- SIG P320 XCarry Pro by NovaProot
- SIG P322 by Muzzle
- SIG P365 by Muzzle
- SIG M17 by Muzzle_Alt
- SP2022 by Volks
- Springfield Operator by NootProot
- Springfield XD9 by Volksterism
- Staccato XC by FraDirahra
- STI Eagle by fsce
- STI USMS FraDirahra
- SW M952 by Muzzle
- SW MP9Pro by FraDirahra
- Taran Tactical 2011 by Arpy
- Taran Tactical Canik by FraDirahra
- Taran Tactical G34 by sirpotatoes
- Taran Tactical Pit Viper by Not_Wolfie
- Taran Tactical Sand Viper by Not_Wolfie
- Timber TLE by Lua
- Wilson Combat 1911 Commander by Muzzle
- Wilson Combat Brigadier Tactical by Muzzle
- Wilson Combat EDC X9 by Muzzle
- Zip-9mm by Potatoes
Machine Pistols:
- Rampage Machine Pistol by Andrew_FTW
Pump-Action Shotguns:
- DP12 by cityrobo
Semi-Auto Shotguns:
- Origin-12 by Andrew_FTW
- Winchester SX3 by RichardoTeam
Mag-Fed Automatic Shotguns:
- Genesis Arms Gen12 by FraDirahra
Submachine Guns:
- Cheetah Machine Pistol by Potatoes
- Colt Mars by Ultrasnail
Lever-Action Rifles:
- Marlin 1894 by FraDirahra
- Marlin 1895 (Railed) by Andrew_FTW
- 50 Beowulf AR15 by Muzzle
- AK50 Lite by Andrew_FTW
- AR15 Varmint Rifle by Tyconson67
- AR57 by sgtbrooks
- Cobalt Kinetic by Volksterism
- Desert Carbine by Andrew_FTW
- Flux Raider P320 by Volks
- MK47 Mutant by Andrew_FTW
- MPA30SST by Volksterism
- Nomad Rifle by Andrew_FTW
- Ruger LC Carbine by Volksterism
- SUB-2000 by Potatoes
Bolt-Action Rifles:
- Savage 93 by Volks
- SKS Industries FatMac by NovaProot
- McMillan CS5 by Volksterism
- Mk13 Mod7 by FraDirahra
- Mossberg MVP by Meat_banono
- The Fix by Andrew_FTW
Assault Rifles:
- DesertTech MDR 5.56 by fsce
- LR300 by thewnbot
- MCX SPEAR by Meat_banono
- NGSW-R CT by Meat_banono
- RM277 by Meat_banono
Battle Rifles:
- Browning BAR MK3 by Volks
- DesertTech MDR 7.62 by fsce
- Keltec RFB by fsce
- Mk14 EBR by carkidd
- Mk18 Mjolnir by Andrew_FTW
- Ohio Ordnance HCAR by Muzzle_Alt
- SA58 OSW by Lua
Anti-Material Rifles:
- AK50 by NotWolfie
- BFG50 by Andrew_FTW
- XM109 AMPR by Muzzle_Alt
- Zero Dark Fifty by Andrew_FTW
Belt-Fed Machineguns:
- MG338 by StickySpider101
- MK43 Mod 1 by WickedBadger
- SIG XM250 by Muzzle
- FGM148 JAVELIN by cityrobo
- Lewis Machine And Tool M203 by Rebel
Under-Barrel Weapons:
- M26 MASS by Volksterism
- Sting-Ball Grenade by Nikpo
- Thermite Grenade by Andrew_FTW
- Compound Crossbow by cityrobo
V1.2.1 -- Added Ruger Mk4 225
V1.1.9 -- Added Kimber K6S, SW686, Timber TLE, Kimber Micro 9, 2011 10mm, FatMac, MK43 Mod1, LAR Grizzly, Browning BAR MK3, Savage 93
V1.1.8 -- Added SW 360J, SW 442, SIG P320 XCarry pro, Ruger LC Carbine, Texas Derringer
V1.1.7 -- Added Springfield XD9, Cobalt Kinetic, M26 MASS
V1.1.6 -- Added Colt Mars, McMillan CS5, Springfield Operator, HPJXP10mm, TTI Canik
V1.1.5 -- Added STI USMS, Ruger MK4 Lite
V1.1.4 -- Added Mk13 Mod7
V1.1.3 -- Added MK47 Mutant, P320 X5
V1.1.2 -- Added LR300, Marlin 1894, AK50, Genesis Arms Gen12
V1.1.1 -- Added MG338
v1.1.0 -- Added Pit Viper, Sand Viper, The Fix, removed Masada
v1.0.9 -- Added Rampage Machine Pistol, Magpul Masada
v1.0.8 -- Added DP12, Zero Dark Fifty
V1.0.7 -- Added Flux Raider P320
V1.0.6 -- Added SW M952
v1.0.5 -- Added Taran Tactical G34
V1.0.4 -- Added SIG P229 Legion, SIG P322
V1.0.3 -- Aded Archon Arsenal B, Stingball Grenade
V1.0.2 -- Added SIG P365, STI Eagle, Ladysmith, FGM148 Javelin, removed M26 MASS because its BROKEN
V1.0.1 -- Added SW 610, SIG XM250, Wilson Combat Brigadier Tactical, Remington 7165, Wilson Combat EDC X9, Kimber Rapide 1911
V1.0.0 -- Initial Release