A mod compilation of Survival GearSurvaval Tools
Whether you're backpacking in the wild, scavenging a wartorn village, or outlasting a zombie outbreak, this modpack has all the items you need to stay alive!
Otherwise, this is a useful supplemental mod for players looking for additional gear when suiting up for operations. Backpacks, flashlights, and healing items aplenty!
- Climbing Hand by NGA
- Fall Damage by NGA
- Fist Punch by JerryAr
- Hunger & Thirst system (included in EFT Foods by JerryAr)
- Arpy's Backpacks by Arpy
- Danny's Backpacks by MommyMercy
- EFT Alpha Secure Case by JerryAr
- Leather Packs by GEnigma
Healing Items:
- AI2 Medkit by JerryAr
- Dr. Potatoes' Home Remedies
- EFT Foods by JerryAr
- Max Payne Items by Sylvia247
- Resident Evil Custom Items by Sylvia247
- XMas Food by Volks
- Fulton Flashlight by Volks
- MagLite D Flashlight by Volks
- Magnet Lamp by JerryAr
- Oil Lamp by JerryAr
- Wooden Torch by Volks
Utility Items:
- Hunt Spyglass by BitWizard
Defensive Items:
- Compound Bow by JerryAr
V1.1.0 -- Added Climbing Hand, Fulton Flashlight, Wooden Torch, Xmas Food
V1.0.0 -- Initial Release