
Hunt: Showdown Liquid Fire Bomb

The Liquid Fire Bomb from Hunt: Showdown!

Place your hand near the matches on the end and pull the trigger to snap ignite the molotov! No more matches!

This version of the molotov has some enhancements that are unique from the vanilla one.

Base stats altered to have a higher spread chance of flames than the base Firebomb and lower than the Hellfire bomb. Flame spawn chance always 4 flame spawns (if physically possible) instead of a random chance of 1 to 3. Duration of burning is also lower than both.

Will explode on the ground like normal AND also burn on the Water layers in game. For map makers, this must be set to the actual Water layer that Anton has set or it won't work. This is very experimental, so expect updates on this one since the water layer isn't commonly used today.



  • Snap ignition by placing your hand near the matches on the end and pulling the trigger!
  • Can still be lit by other fire sources.
  • Liquid physics inside the bottle itself. Sloshy!
  • Satisfying bloop sounds as you handle it.
  • Burns for 16 seconds.
  • Burns on anywhere a molotov would normally, plus on the surface of water layers.
  • Default molotov behavior altered to allow 2.5 to 3 seconds of time before the nav mesh obstacle activates, allowing Sosigs a moment to accidentally enter the flames if they were in pursuit.
  • Default molotov behavior altered to not allow ignition while spawnlocked in the quickbelt.
  • Non-spawnlocked quickbelts can still ignite so be careful!
  • Once the molotov has exploded, an explosion sends out an ignition event for a 2.5 meter radius. Anything in that radius -will- be set on fire, including you and anything ignitable on your person.
  • Throwing quickly makes the throwing sound from Hunt: Showdown (fwoshwohwohsh!) and a gentle toss won't make any noise at all.
  • Has two poses, the default is the default pose for molotovs and the second pose is slightly altered to allow placing molotovs on a flat surface easier for storage or setting up traps.

Water Burning Example


ObjectID List

  • bitwizrd.HuntThrown.LiquidFireBomb


  • Era: WildWest
  • Set: Grounded Fictional
  • ModTags: BitWizrd, Hunt: Showdown

Spawner Menu

  • ToolsandToys/Grenade
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