Combine Overwatch from Half Life 2 as a TNH announcer.Combine_Overwatch_TNH_Announcer
"Attention, ground units - anti-citizen reported in this community. Code: lock, cauterize, stabilize."
Its the combine overwatch from Half Life 2 as a TNH announcer. Audio may be a little fucky because I used the radio lines so i could actually make the voicelines make any sense so the echo effects arent present except in the game intro and game end
This TNH announcer is a little different because the announcer isnt on your side. They are trying to sabatoge you and get you killed, as they inform the enemy of your location.
hope the annnouncer isnt shit uhh i dont know what else to say
- 1.0.1: Updated compatability with Potatoes TNHBGMASLMTHPLGBTQBBQRGBPoopFartPissinator 9000
- 1.0.0: Made the freakin thing
no shitty AI voice service was harmed in the making of this addon. its all sentance mixing. to be honest i dont even know if they have an overwatch voice on any of those services.