

Rickier Dickier Randomer: HORDE MODE Its ricky dicky random but more random and also AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

All of the weapons, attachments, consumables, supply points, and blah blah blah copy and pasted stuf from the default rickier description

Is it balanced? Hell no. Is it fun? Mostly.

Best played with simple targets, any health setting (except 1 hit dont do that), and really any other settings you want.

Horde mode tweaks: -stupid amounts of sosigs -play endless for more sosigs outside of hold phases, play normal mode for more sosigs overall -play with limited ammo if you hate yourself and/or want to see h3vr pushed to its limits

Not designed for limited ammo. Or with item spawner turned on. Or 1 hit. Dont play 1 hit.

will not help your gambling addiction. it will actively worsen your gambling addiction.

i dont know what to put here aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

requires nothing. but be warned, any mods you download with guns in them will have a chance to appear. this includes bare modul recievers. because rickier does not discriminate, you can get anything. isnt that funny????

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