Universal H3MP ModPack

Here is the (unofficial) Universal H3MP Mod Pack. (UH3MPMP for short) This modpack should serve as a starting point for your own modpack that you share with others, and should lead to a good and fun H3VR experience with your friends/colleges/significant other/lovers/siblings/accomplices.


Mods you CANNOT under any circumstances download or add:

  • Code Mods. Scripts of any kind doesnt work.
  • Gun mods that depend on external script mods,
  • Maps with other gamemodes/custom scripting such as Gun Game, KOTH, CTF, and anything else that isnt a TNH map or a Sandbox map
  • Mods that heavily rely on external scripting like vehicles.

Mods that you can add, but every user on the server MUST also be using:

  • Custom TNH Characters.
  • Gun or other weapon mods.
  • Maps.
  • Most other mods that dont fall into the other categories.

Mods that any user can have and each user can pick and choose from:

  • Music mods.
  • Sound mods.
  • TNH announcer/sosig sound mods.
  • Purely visual mods that do not actually affect the games code, like Wristimate.
  • Sideloader skins.
  • Any other client-side mods.


If i update this modpack, check the previous dependency list and compare it to the new one. If i remove a mod from the dependency list, that means its probably incompatable and will fuck up H3MP big time. No Dependencies have been removed since the last update.


If any of the mods that this modpack uses dont work when playing H3MP, please message me on discord. My discord tag is Bread#5029, and I am a member of both the main H3VR discord and the H3VR homebrew discord. However, I did not make any of these mods, and I cannot fix the bug, I can only remove the mod causing it and contact the developer.

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