

peng Meat's ModulShotguns The Model 680 is cross compatable with 870 parts, since they are literally the same gun
peng AndrewFTW's "Ela's Loadout" Because of the origin 12 and swag.

1.0.3 color fixed vlk, 680 round vis fix


all of them (excluding the dp12 and origin)

all shotguns are modular, the 725 has a removable foregrip and stock, the jak12 has a barrel you can swap out, the vlk has a removable barrel and pump-grip and of course the 680 is fully modular.

Also: The 725 has a mode fire switch button near the lever release and the VLK has a physical mag release.

Some attachments on some guns will glow when you hover over their deattach points, as well as showing helpful indicators if the attachment has more attachment points.


activision - mw19 assets


small bugs

the vlk can be pumped from any attached foregrip

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