Weapon progression based on era. Starting with WildWest weapons and ending with Modern weapons. Uses nerfed versions of Tournament Tobys sosigsEra Edd
- A take on a tournament character where the progression is based on era as opposed to capacity.
- The Sosigs have been nerfed to the original sosig stats seen in other characters such as Operator Ori. With the exception of a few tweaks .
- i.e Heavy-Tiers which are made to still be beefy but they move much slower and can still be put down easily when using heavy weapons like explosives and Anti-Mat rifles.
The weapon pool briefly explained
- As stated the weapon progression is based on era. And they go as following. Hold 1: Wild West. Hold 2: WW1 and WW2. Hold 3: Vietnam War to early GWOT. Holds 4 and 5: Modern. Any inconsistencies found with the weapon pool as far as weapons intro era goes, were made for the sake of balance.
- You're starting weapons are a single shot rifle with a single action revolver as a sidearm to help cover short range engagements
- All the weapons in the weapon pools have been carefully hand picked and diversified so that the player will never be slighted with a "bad" roll.
- What does 'diversified' mean? It means there are more pools meant for specific kinds of weapons. An example is the PDW pool. Which has weapons that in a limbo between being SMG's and/or AR's. Such as the honey badger or AS Val.
- The token economy is straight forward. Every weapon pool across the eras will always cost the same. Example. The semi-auto ARs will always be 4 tokens. But as you go through the era's The quality and capacity of these weapons will get better.
The Sosigs have been nerfed. But not the armor
- As mentioned the Toby Sigs in this chracter have been nerfed to the original stats for regualr sosigs. However the armor has not been tweaked. So the more armored sosigs will require either different tactics or heavier weaponary.
- The Light-Tier sosigs are very straight forward. Purely using OG sosig stats they are easy to take on. Just shoot them in the face with any decent gun and they'll die.
- Mid-tiers also use the OG sosig stats but have been tweaked to be easier to stun, suppress and will turn slower so they are easier to manuever around. Of course if you can hit them in the nods with a decent gun they will die in one or two hits. However this is very inconsistent.
- Heavy-Tiers only ever walk so they don't move as fast making them easier to hit. But they are still plenty beefy and require much heavier weapons to deal with. A direct hit with a grenade launcher or well placed hand grenade will kill them with one shot. An anti-mat round to the head will also kill them with one shot.
- Fixed the health dog pool.
- Moved the AWM into the coldwar pool