6B136B13 Body Armour
A neat body armour with replaceable, damageable armor plates, and 3 camos.
Work best with BearHands and JilleyThePMC playerbody mod.
Every armour comes with front plate and back plate, click the shoulder pad, put the plates into the armour to get it working.
When getting bullet hit and explosions, plates will took damage till it's broken, there're 3 level:
1.New——The plate is at its peak period.
2.Used——The plate is damaged, its bullet proof ability is reduced, but still usable.
3.Broken——The plate is as crisp as a plastic garbage.
But also the armour itself has very limited bullet proof function.
Change Log
1.0.0 Added the 6B13 in Tools&Toys----->BackPack.
1.0.1 Fixed the incorrect obj wrapper.