Boeing AH-64D BLKII Apache

A heavy attack helicopter used by multiple country and region.

How to fly?

First climb on the heli from right side, click to open the canopy

Once get in, click the bottom or back of the seat to sit in, then wait for 5 seconds to auto adjust your seat height.

click the power lever on the left panel, and you are ready to take off.

Grab the sitck and throttle to control the plane's roll, yaw and pitch.

Click the master arm to turn on MFD and cannon aiming, left trigger to launch AGM114, right trigger to shoot auto cannon.

There's a M4A1 for each crew in case they have different opinions that leads to a fight. (To pick up the gun, make sure your canopy is opened, then grab the gun and click the handguard) (To put the gun back, simply close the canopy) (Rear sight is placed near the gun mount, but we didn't prepare mags for you, you need to bring your own mags!)

To turn on the LongBow FCR. click the left screen in front of CP/G;s seat.

Both Pilot and CP/G can turn on their IHADSS by clicking the MasterArm on their own seat.

Change Log

1.0.0 Added the AH64 in Tools&Toys----->Utilities.

1.1.0 Added Missile control for CP/G seat.

1.1.1 Switched AGM114 to top attack mode.

1.2.0 Added toggable LongBow FCR for CP/G, Added IHADSS model and 2 emergency seat on the side of the cockpit lol.

1.3.0 Fixed weird flight model and made M4 sync in H3MP.

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