A hideout that leads to EFT_Factory.(Based on Ax's EFTHideout)EFT_HideOut_SafeHouse
A hideout that leads to EFT_Factory.
Click the security door and walk into the tunnel to enter factory map.(Remember bring stuffs in your slots or you will be running without anything!)
Other than that it's just a safehouse.
EFT Factory Extractable Sandbox
Extractable Factory based on calafex's EFT factory sandbox map.
There're 4 extract area in total and only 2 of them will be able to extract each time.
Find the correct GREEN EXIT and wait 10 sec to escape!
If you are unlucky and get KIA then you'll be moved to HideOut.
Have random spawnpoints.
Vanilla Quickbelt will be disabled if BEARHANDS playerbody is detected, use Rigs and backpacks!
Scene will be saved on leaving or reloading, so be careful with your moves!
Game will disable QBslots if you spawn BEARHands playerbody, so you have to use slots on the body and wearing rigs and helmets.
Rigs only generate with enemies, while other loots randomly spawn in containers all over the factory.
When in Hideout.
Click the telephone to call out Prapor trading screen near the bunkerdoor.
Click the Light Switch on the left of the hall to turn on ItemSpawner.
Switch to night time in the Hideout will enable enemies spawn in Factory! (The button is on the generator)
There'll be no itemspawner in the Factory map and no spawnlock enabled-------You have to save your own loadout before joining the battle!
plz enter the map with Bear Hands enabled!
Change Log
1.0.0 Added the maps.
1.0.1 Added some secret features and fixed some shader and texture works.
1.0.2 Quick fix for a script issue.
1.0.3 Added damage area to barbed wires, and something weird is going on in Factory...
1.0.4 Added loot spawn! Check out the crates for supply!
1.0.5 Texture fix.
1.0.6 Fixed colliders and textures in factory.
1.1.0 Added time limit to the factory, you don't wanna be in there when time's up.
1.1.1 Removed the time limit bc it didn't sync in H3MP and it kills framerates. But now you can draw on the white board in HideOut!!!
1.2.0 Baked lightmaps in factory to increase performance.
1.2.1 Added EFT_Frame as dependency, now BearHandsPlayerbody will auto spawn in map.
1.3.0 Added lootable boxes in Factory, click the cover to open and keep your hands around it to search stuffs. Better scav spawning with random time loop. Health/Hunger/Thirst system in combat, Destructobin in hideout!
1.3.1 Moved most of the dependencies to a separate mudpack called EFT PMC ModPack.
1.3.2 Canceled forcing BEAR HANDS spawning on entering.
1.3.3 Trying to fix the bunkerdoor missing in safe house.
1.4.0 Added MEATStore at the BunkerDoor, where you can buy and sell certain stuffs.
1.4.1 Now everytime you entering or leaving the hideout, map and scene will be saved.
1.4.2 Sorry I forgot what I changed......
1.4.3 Hopefully fixed sosig spamming errors on H3MP hosting. Also tweaked scripts to gain more performance.
1.4.4 Rolled sosig spawn method back to where it didn't break.
1.4.5 Bring back EFT squad enemies. Removed fog.
1.5.0 Added level system, player need to gain EXP to level up in order to unlock the permission of buying certain items in the Store panel in EFT_HideOut. Buy/Sell goods, or just kill sosigs in Factory will generate EXPs. Added game mode bespoke valuable loots, sell them to Prapor to gain EXP and money!
1.6.0 Brought back player's controller GEO.