Skill IssueGrumman F-14B
"I TOLD you we've got too many 1 wires!!!"——Jester
Due to skill issue, you and your RIO got downgraded to a F-14B, which has an older cockpit and simpler HUD.
How to fly?(IMOPORTANT!!!)
First click the wheels to remove the wheel chocks, then click the LADDER PANEL of the plane(which is near the LEFT COCKPIT) to lower the ladder and two steps for you and your RIO.
after you get into your seats, click the BACK OF THE SEAT to lock your position and wait 5 seconds for the seat auto recentering your view(Both to Pilot and RIO)(Click the eject handle above sosig RIO's head to tell him to leave.)
Click the Canopy GRIP on the RIGHT OF THE WALL PANEL to close canopy, then grab the STICK and THROTTLE and you are ready to take off (throttle thumbutton rearward to release hook, forward to open refueling probe)
Click the yellow lever near the throttle to fold/unfold the wings. Plz unfold wings before takeoff.
AI BackSeat
Your reliable backseat RIO —— Jester, is in charge of the Radar and AIM54 missile.
When he captured target, tell him:"Jester,Lock him." / "Jester,Lock target." and he will select the target and lock on.
Then tell him:"Jester,Fire." / "Jester,Shoot him." / "Jester,Launch Missile." and AIM54 missile will on its way.
Fire Controls
left trigger controls GBU-12, better release them after the lighting pod stabilized.
The AIM-54 missile have no control input.(No worries! Your helpful sosig RIO will help you fire the missile and keeping the missile locking on enemies, if he knows how to use the radar...).
right trigger controls cannon.(click the cannon panel and open it, then spin the barrels to chamber the gun before taking off).
Be aware that bullets and missiles/bombs aren't infinite, you have to land and reload them so always remember saving your ammo.
Change Log
1.0.0 Added F-14B in Tools&Toys---->Utilities.
1.1.0 Added normal textures and made the mod independent.
1.2.0 Added a bunch of cool sound effect and some component tweaking.
1.2.1 Added much more powerful wheel brake.
1.3.0 Added arresting hook function to be able to land on carrier CVN74.
1.3.1 Again removed F14D's dependency.