That guy in the gunship, he's got a cozy job...Gunship Air Support
Once you got the permission to call the gunship, click the area around your head, and you will be send to gunner's view.
grab the mouse to activate the laser, and grab the joystick to aim and shoot.
there are 3 buttons which is exit gunship mode, switch between 40mm and 105mm, switch camera FOV.
also there's a marker pen for what ever you wanna do.(click trigger near the screen and note book to draw)
Good luck, time to take off.
Change Log
1.0.0 Added the airsupport in Tools&Toys---->Utilities.
1.0.1 Make the markerpen easier to use, tweaked camera pod max angle, changed joystick mesh.
1.0.2 Updated markerpen scripts and increased narrow FOV to gain better view, faster camera moving speed.