JilleyAR PlayerBody Full Body Tracking Version

Nothing special, just a player body, with Full Body Tracking.

There're backpack,armor,belt,helmet,mask slot on the body, witch fits meats_rigs, modularHelmets and body armors.


Though can be called out in H3MP Body panel, the body currently only support single player!


Only fit with default VirtualDesktop SteamVR Tracker emulation!!!

For other tracking system, user should config their devices same like VirtualDesktop SteamVR Tracker's default layout!!!

Device 1-----> HIP;

Device 4-----> Right Fore Arm;

Device 6-----> Left Fore Arm;

Device 7-----> Left Knee;

Device 8-----> Left Foot;

Device 9-----> Right Knee;

Device 10----> Right Foot;

Device 11----> Left Hand;

Device 12----> Right Hand;

HMD----------> Head;

Model may glitch.

Change Log

0.0.1 Added JilleyAR PlayerBody FullBodyTracking in Misc------->Backpack.

0.0.2 Added forearm tracking.

0.0.3 Fixed body glitching slightly while moving.

0.1.0 Added H3MP version in BODY panel.

0.1.1 Fixed weird shaking on Body panel version and now when entering a H3MP server, the body will be deleted automatically.

0.1.2 Added Leggings to Body panel version in difference to the spawner version.

0.1.3 Again fixed weird shaking on Body panel version.

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