It's so hard to aim!!!!M1903 SpringFold
(I know this isn't its real name, just like this isn't the real gun)
An experimental trench gun version of M1903 Springfield.
Click the little periscope to fold it.
The model and texture are not good looking, because there still isn't a single model available online yet.
Change log
1.0.0 Added Spring fold and its stripper clip.
1.0.1 Added periscope for over sholder aiming.
1.0.2 Changed periscope type.
1.0.3 Your favourite scope mount is back!
1.0.4 Disabled magazine cut off(will pop up error but it's ok)
1.1.0 Completely remade the gun and added it in Firearms------>BoldactionRifles.Due to model change, sadly it can't take any scope now....