It's not that heavyMG08
The very first version of MG08,with a sledge gun mount
(got a good tripod model!!! And Textures!!!)
You can carry it on your back to free your hands while moving.
And its shooting range is a bit narrow
The gun spawn along with a "detailed" instruction manual.
Hope you have fun with it.(Also I don't recommend you using this in TnH)
Change Log
1.0.0 Add the Gun and Beltbox in SUPPORT -----> MACHINEGUN.
1.0.1 Fixed an issue which won't let the gun spawn.
1.0.2 Added new dependencies to make charging handle working.
1.1.0 Changed to a more detailed model.
1.1.1 Some little changes.
1.1.2 The gun won't glitch anymore,but the box will lose its collider after you pull it off from the gun and fall through the ground.(Let's see this as a sacrifice)
1.1.3 Tweaked firerate.
1.1.4 Fixed some display issue.
1.2.0 Texture changed!
1.2.1 Fixed belt pieces colour.
1.2.2 Little changes.
1.2.3 Fixed belt grab and remove point not showing correctly first time attaching the box.
1.3.0 Now both grips can be grabbed!(But you still need to grab the right one to fire)