Bulky old WW1 Machinegun.MG08/15
A big old WW1 Maschinengewehr,with a working charging handle belt fed open bolt action and unique recoil(with gas after shooting) such a giant toy which I don't recommend you bringing it into TnH mode
Mod Includes:
1、The gun it self (spawn with a belt box)
2、150rnd Belt box
Gif preview
Change Log
1.0.0 Uploade the gun.
1.0.1 Can't spawn anything.
1.0.2 Finally get the gun spawn on the panel.
1.0.3 Add belt prefab for drum box(Looks better but still not real belt fed). and larger smoke(Just look cool).
1.0.4 Fixed wrong muzzle position.
1.1.1 Add working bipod,recommend use two hand together when it's mounted.
1.2.1 Change the gun into belt fed.(not stable)
1.2.2 Removed a bug that show a broken MG08 on spawn panel.
1.2.3 Changed firing sound with BF1 MG08/15.
1.2.4 Bipod can now stand more stably.
1.2.5 Some little change.
1.2.6 Changed bipod type to fixed.
1.2.7 Fixed a little bug that stops you from putting MG08 into your slot.
1.2.8 Added new dependencies to make charging handle working.
1.2.9 Fixed recoil and bipod issues
1.2.10 Set own magazine type,more stable bipod.
1.2.11 Little changes.
1.2.12 Changed materials to alloy core,tweaked recoil,shell ejection and handle rotate angle.
1.2.13 Texture update(just found out how to deal with Verdun textures).
1.3.0 Belt display issue fixed!(As I promised),and some other texture and model fixing.
1.4.0 Changed model source from Verdun to BeyondTheWire.Added empty belt display.