Mil MI-8MTV2 Helicopter

Probably the most used utility helicopter around the world.

There're TWO version of this flying tracktor-----Armed version and Cargo version.

The Armed version got cannons and rockets as well as a Dshk on the left side door, its body doesn't have collision so player's item won't clip and glitch with the aircraft.

The Cargo version is unarmed but have colliders to load cargo, so I recommend you having nothing in your hands/Quickbelt.

How to fly it?

First of all you will notice its engine was started up by default.

there're 11 seats on this helicopter including pilot, co-pilot, side door gunner seat(rear door, rockets and cannons did not sync tho), and 8 seats for troopers.

they all function like the same-----you click the back/wall/door behind the seat to get in position and grab the botton of it for a second to lock the view(grab again to unlock)

hold the left throttle and middle stick, Index headset users press the touchpad and other headset users press the joystick to fly the plane.


MI-8 is really not some easy heli to fly, and I fucked up so it's even harder to fly in game : (

But at least there's no vortex ring.

For some reason, only the person who spawn the heli can fly it and rotate the Dshk, others can fire it but can't move it.

Still trying to get everything sync.

Change Log

1.0.0 Added MI-8MTV2 in Misc----->TippyToy.

1.1.0 Added H3MP support!

1.1.1 More stuffs got sync! not really : (

1.1.2 More seats!

1.1.3 Side gunner added!

1.1.4 Separate MI-8 into Armed version and Cargo version.

1.2.0 Seat height adjusted to make flying more comfortable.

1.2.1 No more yellow warning spamming.

1.3.0 Brand new textures and REAL landing gears!!!

1.3.1 New normal textures and model tweaked.

1.3.2 New EVU model and more texture changed.

1.4.0 Added a new cargo version that has accurate cockpit external model. Tweaked rear door open/close speed

1.4.1 Removed Old MI-8MT mod as dependency.

1.4.2 Changed New MI-8's control mode from joystick to actual drag the stick.

1.4.3 Added more details to New MI-8.

1.4.4 Doors now sync in H3MP.

1.4.5 Tweaked FCS on realistic control version to make it easier to fly.

1.4.6 Changed engine sound pitch and tweaked instruments.Also some models fixed.

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