Pistol Chamber Check

As known as JPWCC system (JohnWeak Chamber Checking) lol

How to Use

The system can be found as a CustomButton in WristMenu.

Click it to toggle the system.

Once the system is on.

Grab a pistol, slightly throw it upward then catch it (Just like how JohnWick does).

On the second grab you will hold the pistol by the slide and the slide will move rearward to show the chamber.

and third grab will return to normal pose.


If pistol is in quickbeltslot and harnessed, grabbing it will force break the harness, when you release the pistol, it will return to the slot and harness itself again.

Works pretty fine with Delayed Harnessing Mod.

The system has a time cool down, if you failed to catch the gun in time, or you grabbed another different gun, it will return the gun to normal pose.

Change Log

1.0.0 Added the function in wrist menu.

1.0.1 Tweaked handpos when checking chamber so now it should look better with playerbodies.

1.0.2 Decreased cooldown seconds to prevent players accidentally check chamber in QBslot.

1.0.3 When player is trying to check chamber, the slide collider will be disabled to avoid accidental grab.

1.0.4 Fixed the slow position transform.

1.0.5 Fixed super doper huge garbing trigger.

1.1.0 Fixed wrong slide position on some pistols, improved script function to solve the quickbeltslot issue.

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