An obscure turn-of-the-century Italian self-loading rifle that disappeared for an unknown reason.Can be found in Battle Rifle.
Cei-Rigotti really only became famous thanks to Battlefield 1. Aside from its mechanical aspects and some information on its designer, the rest of its career is largely unknown to public. It is likely that a self-loading rifle was not deemed very useful during the turn of the century, which has been observed around the world.
Lightweight, easy to aim, punchy, and with the addition of the "fun switch", this will serve as your general all-rounder that can take on most situations not involving armor. Don't waste your entire magazine all the time though, since this thing rocks quite wildly in full auto.
While it fires 6.5 Carcano rounds, it doesn't share the same en-bloc clip that is used in Carcano pattern rifles. This mod adds Cei-Rigotti's own proprietary stripper clip to load with.
As usual with most of my firearm mods, this rifle also has invisible rails. Don't let your bubba dreams be dreams.
- Partially rebuilt
- Moved the clip from this mod to a separate ammo pack mod. Once you update this mod you will automatically download the ammo mod if you don't already have it.
- Updated texture set to add ambient occlusion
- Added bolt release function. Simply click up on the pad of your firing hand. Thanks to Jonathan Ferguson of Royal Armouries, it has been known to the internet that this rifle's trigger also serves as a bolt release.
- Added a gold & black engraved variant "Duca d'Aosta" based on the skin from Battlefield 1 "Duke of Aosta"
- Build update to comply with Mason. Farewell Deli!
- Added a Model 8 scope mount. This scope won't be so useless as before.
- Removed manual chambering to prevent smart palming from grabbing one round more than magazine capacity
- Fixed an issue where rail attachments would not attach
- Greatly increased rate of fire. Apparently the real thing rocks at 900 RPM
- Upscaled textures from 2k (2048 px) to 4k (4096 px) and reworked
- Initial release
The Cei-Rigotti model and sound are ripped from Battlefield 1, developed by DICE and published by Electronic Arts. I do not own any of the assets.