Developed for astronaut survival after returning to surface, the TOZ-81 unfortunately lost to its in-house rival TOZ-82. Only one example was built in real life.This mod was originally featured as part of Modmas 2021, a community collaborative event held throughout December.
A true space gun in both aesthetics and design purpose, the TOZ-81 is a rejected astronaut defense weapon that was meant to be on board the reentry capsule, used for when the capsule landed in an especially inhospitable environment.
Takes five shots of .410 bore, which is a separate mod it depends on. This combined with its integrated folding bayonet will prove to be a deadly close-range weapon, great for defense as it was intended.
- Initial release
Big thanks to Cityrobo for guiding through all the cursed scripts of the vanilla game, and notcolin17 for the beautiful model. The sound is ripped from Battlefield 1.