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This is all thing Retro AR's Sights and Suppressors form Vietnam War to Battle of Mogadishu aka Black Hawk Down and Heat

A modpack centered around TnH maps, TnH characters, Safehouse, and SR maps/characters with randomness in mind. 212 Mods total.

"Give the guy a gun and he's Superman, give him two and he's God." Based on John Woo's Hard Boiled. Spawnlocking or Limited Ammo is fine. Watch out for Mad Dog!

You ever wanted to be just like John Wick? Well, you can't. No one is THAT good. BUT, you can totally LARP as John Wick with this TNH character: John Wurst!!!

Adds customizable weapons, this includes rigs such as vests. Also adds H3MP, this is only a modpack collection.

this place where going place mods that dont quite fit in with any of my other pack so dont have make mulitible mods. But has KAC handguard for sr16 and Spr ,mw2 S System and Mod0 Spr Handguard