Meat's ModulShotguns
This shotgun show stars:
ModulAuto-5, timeless long recoil action top seller!
Modul590, military grade consistency and reliability!
Modul870, the Remington classic!
ModulM2, sleek Italian lines and modern practicality!
ModulM3, why pick pump or auto, when you can have both!
ModulM4, the ultimate in semi auto performance!
ModulMP133, Baikal pump action from Russia!
ModulMP153, the MP133's semi auto comrade!
ModulMP155, a Russian sporting shotgun with modern potential...
ModulIthaca, hot slam fire action!
To detach these parts: Pumps: Grab the pumps and detach like normal foregrips. Stocks: Grab just above where the stock meets the receiver for pistol grips and the main part of larger stocks. Barrels: Grab right at the base of the barrel. Mag tubes: Grab right where they attach.
Blast away!
- Fixed 870 Blaze Orange furniture not vaulting correctly
- Updated dependencies and 4.0.0 changelog
Added Modul590
Added Modul870 Stainless
Added ModulM3
Added ModulM4
Added ModulM4FDE
Added ModulM4OD
Added Stainless 870 barrels in all lengths
Add rifle sight 870 barrel
Added 33in M2 barrel
Added M3 full length and flush barrels
Added M4 full length and flush barrels in black, FDE, and OD
Added 870 Flashlight fores (one wide throw, medium brightness, one tight long throw, high brightness)
Added 870 pump in blaze orange, MELPAT
Added 870 FAB pump in MELPAT
Added 870 Remington stock in MELPAT
Added 870 MOE pump in blaze orange
Added 590 pump, 590 pump with strap, wooden pump, and MOE pump
Added M1014 forend in black, FDE, OD
Added Strike Industries M2 HAYL in black and Coyote
Added Magpul Zhukov fore
Added Helical Choke
Added GK2 brake
Added Monster Claw brake
Added Hexagon Suppressor
Added SilencerCo12 Suppressor
Added M3 Tactical rear sight
Added M4 Tactical rear sight in black, FDE, OD
Added 5 round mag tube for M2
Added 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 round mag tubes for M3
Added 6 round mag tube for M4 in black, FDE, OD
Added M2 MRDS top rail
Added M3 top rail
Added M4 top rail in black, FDE, OD
Added several new side saddles
Added Matchsaver
Added Velcro and 7 Shell Shotgun Cards in black, FDE, OD
Added Benelli Velcro and 5, 7 Shell Shotgun Cards in black, FDE, OD
Added 90 degree velcro adapter
Added 590 quad rail
Added 870 Magpul and Remington stocks in blaze orange
Added M3 Tactical and Collapsing stocks
Added M4 collapsing stock in black, FDE, OD
Added 590 stock, wooden stock, LEO grip + tube adapter, Magpul SGA, and pistol grip
Bugfixes and Changes
New Mechanics
Shells can now be unloaded from the magazine tube by grabbing and extracting the shell
Shotgun cards can be spawnlocked, and can accept shells from either orientation
To switch the action on the M3, grab the selector in front of the handguard and push forward for semi auto, and rearwards for pump action.
The M3 pump remains locked back on its last shell, it must be released via bolt release
Who even knows, the mod has been practically rebuilt from the ground up in meatkit
Countless texture edits, accuracy and detail changes, and overall performance cleanup
Standard choke model has been remastered
Sounds have been redone for non-russian shotguns
Reduced camera output of MP155 Ultima to 1920x1080
Several items have been renamed
- Added the Auto-5 and long recoil action
- Added various furniture for the Auto-5
- Added wooden Shockwave Raptor grip
- Cleaned up 870 and 870 furniture textures (no more green mold)
- Improved parts compatibility across semi auto handguards
- Updated for On Demand loading
- Shotties r no longer kil when you spawn them/try and pick them up.
- Updated for the latest and greatest version of Otherloader.
- See 3.0.4
- Added OpenScript as new requirement, removed RealtimeClock and Preattached dlls
- Drastically improved the brightness of the Ultima Camera
- Fixed 870 Rail mount for improper placement
- Spawning a stripped 870 receiver no longer spams the console with issues
- Updated Preattached Attachments DLL for upcoming ModulAR release compatibility
- Fixed manifest so the mod can be used in game lol
Models and textures from Battlestate Games, Escape from Tarkov, various artists on CGTrader, and dear friends.