Meat's Rigs

The user friendly update! Rigs with pouches now have improved visibility via transparency, every rig has a weapon and backpack slot on their shoulders (Right and Left, respectively), and most rigs have a sling point at the chest!

The TV109 Belt, Blackrock, and Tactec now have V O I D drop pouches so you can reduce battlefield clutter! Hover a mag over the green slots and let go to keep your area clean.

Other massive additions: Helmets and a backpack! The Russian Maska and Ratnik helmets make their appearance, and have ballistic properties as well! The hardened steel Maska and facemask are rated at around GOST II, or approximately high power pistol cartridges. The Ratnik is made of Aramid fiber layers, and is rated for... low speed shrapnel at best. These are physics enabled, so beware attempting to shoulder anything with the Maska!


The backpack is self explanatory, and can be equipped on top of rigs or any vanilla quickbelt with a backpack slot!

Learn them all and their various quirks (like pistol holsters on the MK3, Blackrock, and TV109) and practice those reload drills!

(If you have curseddll's unlockall.dll I recommend deleting that as it fills the backpack section and makes these really hard to get.)

All models from Escape from Tarkov, edited by me :)


open open open



  • Helmets now use a dedicated quickbelt slot (see latest Swift Suspenders update)
  • Maska uses a shortened movement sound


  • Added
    • Idea Rig
    • Berkut Backpack
    • Maska 1sch and Facemask
    • Killa Maska and Facemask
  • Changed
    • Pouch Transparency
    • Shoulder slots for Backpack and Weapon
    • Sling point for weapons on most rigs
    • TV-109 is now a Battle Belt (requires Arpy's Meaty quickbelt)
    • Many rigs now have different pouch layouts and capacities
    • Pouch pose positions are tuned for ModulAK and AR magazines. Other magazines/items may appear at an angle.
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