Loot and Escape!Welcome To Tarkov! Now escape!
This character is themed around the game Escape From Tarkov. Start out as a scav, and take on increasingly difficult enemies. Enemies can drop items and equipment. Additionally, each round has a chance for a scav boss to spawn as a patrol. These bosses are very difficult, but will always drop some kind of item.
This is a modification of PMC Pete, replacing all of the ammo spawner panels with purchasable ammunition boxes, increasing the difficulty in limited ammo runs.
1.0.5: Changed Scav loot magazine distribution, and increased the ammount of holds per hold. Scav loot is now spawned when a player gets into the game, as opposed to being purchasable.
1.0.6: Fixed the issue with not getting any ammo with the spawnable scav loot.
1.0.7: ACTUALLY Fixed the issue with not getting any ammo with the spawnable scav loot.
1.0.8: Third time's the charm
1.1.0: No changes. This update was to fix an issue with Thunderstore's uploading priorities list.
1.1.1: No changes. Json hates me.
1.1.2: Reduced the ammount of Supply Points to increase performance
1.1.4: Recreated the Deli File that I forgot to reupload. Sorry!
Recomended Maps and Play style:
This Character was made to be played primarily on limited ammo modes, not spawnlock.
The reccomended maps for this character are as follows:
- Aporkalypse Now (HIGHLY SUDGESTED)
- Jungle Valley
- Monolith 2
- Jungle Camp
- Blackhawk Down
- Wurst City Day
- Wurst City Night
Manual Installation
Drag the .zip file into your BepInEx/plugins
folder and unzip
Supported Mods
- Meats ModulAR Overhaul
- Meats ASh-12
- Meats ModulMCX and ModulMPX
- Meats Rigs
- Meats ModulAK
- Meats ModulShotguns
- FTW Arms VPO-215
- Gamernayrs MuzzSils
- Wolfies Modul FAL
- Wolfies Modul M700
- FTW Arms Modul Vector
- FTW Arms M1A
- FTW Arms MK18
- Gamernayrs Golden TT
- Wolfies ModulAR9
- Gamernayrs SR1MP
- Gamernayrs Vepr Hunter
- Arpys Mag Fed SKS
- Superpugs ModulTT
- FTW Arms Modular Addons
- FTW Arms Nightvision
- FTW Arms Helmets
- FTW Arms Modern Warfighter Remastered
- FTW Arms KS23
- Wolfies MP443 Grach
- Ashes Keltec RFB
- Melon's Ammo Boxes
- Andrew's Ammo Boxes