[ALPHA Test] Realistic reloads animations like Resident Evil 4 VR, you must stick it all the way in to reload. [INCOMPATIBLE with ReloadAnimations mod]6Finger Reload
>>[Video Tutorial: not made yet]<<
Recreates the Resident Evil 4 VR reload style in H3. You have to lign up the mag inside the magwell then it will require you to push the mag into its fully seated position.
Known Bugs
- Report edge case guns below or add exceptions in the mod's config
- Go report new ones here: >>[Feedback form]<<
Planned Features
- [✓] Mag reload trigger volume moved to bullet-extraction
- [✓] Doesn't break secondary magwells (like Scout)
- [_] Add friction to avoid instant-loading
- [_] Hand stays glued to mag after successful insertion (like Resident evil 4 VR)
- Moves reload trigger to bullet-extraction point
- Disables animations for guns that don't work using exception list