CamoShop 2.2


Summary: Apply camouflages and skins to your H3VR guns or items. Download camo packs separately! Camos can be applied freely using Spray-can. Some camos need to be unlocked by buying them with .69CashMoney bullets, cheatcodes, or with a pick-your-own Quest system for TnH.

Special thanks to Olefar for providing the advanced Shader needed for 2.0 update!

CamoShop Tutorials

Basics & Take-and-Hold:

Watch the video

IMPORTANT: Camo Packs downloaded separately.

Recommended Camo Packs

Spray-can & SupplyRaid:

Watch the video


Watch the video


DISCLAIMER: You need to be holding or QuickBelt the gun you bound your challenge to while the TnH scoring event happens in order to get challenge progress.


How to BUY a camo using .69CashMoney

  1. Select locked camo (Mastery Camos cannot be bought, see below to unlock)
  2. Click on Buy Camo button above the Select Camo's Unlock Challenge section
  3. If you have insufficient funds:
    i. SANDBOX: Spawn a .69 CashMoney Pistol caliber bullet from Ammo Panel. Also in SpawnPanel for CamoShop.
    ii. SUPPLY RAID: Grab your .69 CashMoney bullets acquired in-raid
    iii. Place the bullet in the Quickbelt slot inside the pop-up menu
    iv. Press Add Funds
  4. Press Buy Camo, that's it!

How to unlock a camo using Quests

  1. Select locked camo
  2. Pick any challenge from Select Camo's Unlock Challenge section
  3. Place a weapon on the quickbelt slot above the panel (non-firearm items already have all camos unlocked)
  4. Click Accept camo Challenge on this Gun
  5. This challenge is now bound to that firearm, once the challenge is completed the camo will be unlocked for ALL firearms

How to unlock a Mastery camo

  1. Place a weapon on the quickbelt slot above the panel (non-firearm items already have all camos unlocked)
  2. All mastery challenges will automatically show up in the View Gun's Active Challenges section; no need to bind them. They can be identified by the xx_mastery prefix in their camo name.
  3. Challenge progress will automatically track
  4. For most mastery camos, once the challenge is completed the camo will be unlocked ONLY for this firearm

How to complete the Camo Challenge

  1. Read the description of your selected challenge for the Unlocks Camo in the View Gun's Active Challenges section
  2. Enter a game of TnH and spawn the weapon you applied the challenge to
  3. Perform the activity in the description of the challenge ensuring that you're at holding the weapon or have it in your quickbelt while the scoring event happens
    i. Example 1: You have a challenge to complete a TnH Hold. If you drop the weapon on the floor as the hold ends, you will not get your point.
    ii. Example 2: You have a challenge to kill Sosigs in a TnH Hold. If you kill a sosig at a supply point, that will not count for progress.


  • Mastery camos cannot be purchased with .69Cash
  • A challenge's progress tracks only stuff done while holding the challenge's bound gun in your hand or quickbelt
  • Each gun can unlock a max of 5 camos
  • 'Unbind Challenge' from a gun to replace it with another. Challenge must not already be completed. Mastery camos do not count towards this limit.
  • The save file for quests is kept as a JSON file independently per profile in folder \AppData\Roaming\r2modmanPlus-local\H3VR\profiles\<YOUR_PROFILE_NAME>\BepInEx\plugins\NGA-ProfileSaveFolder
  • Gold-Scuffed
    • Needs 100 XP, XP is earned by killing Sosigs, getting headshots, silenced kills, or completing vanilla TnH challenges (no-damage takes/holds)
  • Alien-Carniverous
    • Needs 1,000 XP, XP is earned by killing Sosigs, getting headshots, silenced kills, or completing vanilla TnH challenges (no-damage takes/holds)
  • Gold-Terra
    • Unlock Alien-Carniverous on 3 guns.
General Challenges These are the default challenges for any camo that doesn't have special challenges. Due to in-game limitations they're for TnH only for now. Each challenge should be easily completed in 1 TnH game. Subject to balancing based on player feedback . See in-game for latest values. Feedback form
  • Hold Points
    • Complete Hold Points in TnH.
  • No-damage (per waves)
    • Receive no damage during waves inside a Hold point in TnH.
  • No-damage (per Hold)
    • Receive no damage during entire Hold point in TnH.
  • Kill Sosigs (in Holds)
    • Kill sosigs inside a Hold in TnH.
  • Headshot Sosigs (in Holds)
    • Kill sosigs with headshots inside a Hold in TnH.
  • Long Shot Segments (in Holds)
    • Get 1 point for every 25 meters segment between you and your target killed in a Hold in TnH.
  • Killstreaks (in Holds)
    • Get 1 point for every kill in your kill-streak. Example: Triple kill yields 3 points, double-kill 2 points, etc.
  • Stealth Take
    • Stealthily take a hold point. That is, press the blue orb in TnH without setting off alert.
  • Stealth Kills (in Holds)
    • Kill unaware guards at a hold point during take phase in TnH.
EASTER EGGS/CHEATS There's a hidden button behind the `Question-Mark` "?" button that will spawn a number dial. You can bypass the unlock system by inputting a special code hidden under the object. The code is unique to you, but will always be the same within each R2MM profile, so it can be memorized.

Add Your Own Camo Packs

You can add your own camo packs by creating an empty mod and simply adding PNG files (textures) following this naming pattern

  • CamoPackName: This could be the name of the game the camos were inspired from; example "MW19". Contains at least one "CamoType".
  • CamoType: A subtype of camouflage, for now only 12 can be displayed. Examples: "Spray", "Reptile"
  • CamoName: The actual name of the camouflage, what will be displayed to user
    BEWARE: Textures can BALLOON up in size, a good healthy number to shoot for is an average of 500KB per PNG to maintain quality and save space.


You can generate much more detailed camos using our new Shader JSON, examples of which are included in the NGA-MasteryCamos folder inside your R2MM plugins directory.

  1. Copy-paste the example from NGA-MasteryCamos or any other special camo mods
  2. Change the file title to xx_CamoPackName_CamoType_CamoName.json.
    a. IMPORTANT: There must exist a PNG file with the same name xx_CamoPackName_CamoType_CamoName.png
  3. Set the ColorTexture field to the name of your PNG xx_CamoPackName_CamoType_CamoName, this will be the base camo.
  4. Fill out all other fields accordingly.
    TIP: You can edit this file Live while the game is running, just click Apply Camo in-game after making your changes.


  • Feedback form:
  • If you played version 0.1.1 or earlier, YOU SHOULD DELETE YOUR SAVE FILE (not needed but recommended)\AppData\Roaming\r2modmanPlus-local\H3VR\profiles\YOURPROFILENAME\BepInEx\plugins\NGA-ProfileSaveFolder.
  • Challenge tracking will not work if your gun is inside the quickbelt of a backpack that you're wearing.
  • Quests actually correctly track quest types instead of giving points for literally anything, oops!
  • Flashlight volumetric light textures no longer retextured
  • Reticle colors accidentally replaced if placed with gun inside Camo Shop. Does not apply to new magnification scopes.
  • Accidentally replaces barrel smoke effect texture, oops!

Planned Features

  • [✓] Skins can be saved if vaulted/scene saved
  • [✓] Every gun has challenge trackers (X number kills etc) that unlocks camos
  • [✓] Camo Shop with UI lets you apply skins tracked by challenges
  • [✓] Camo Shop lets you bind and track challenges to unlock camos
  • [✓] Adds skins to literally anything
  • [✓] Use Quickbelt instead of select area
  • [✓] Challenges track even if gun is not held in hand
  • [✓] CamoShop spawns at the beginning of TnH


  • [✓] Extra special mastery unlock system
  • [✓] Add pagination to camo shop to support more than 12 camos per category
  • [✓] Some way to apply camo to objects that can't be quick-belted: SprayCan
  • [✓] Challenges outside TnH and in SupplyRaid: Camo Unlocks with .69 CashMoney



  • NEW: "Resizer" tool item added in Tools & Toys (will be its own mod soon)
  • FIX: Spray can had a vault-save bug when switching the can's camo after the fact


  • NEW: Camo Spray Can, has all camos unlocked
  • NEW: Customization option "Scroll" that animates camo
  • NEW: .69 CashMoney can be used to unlock Camos
  • BALANCING: $10 CashMoney and SprayCan are secondary objects in CamoShop spawner entry
  • FIX: New thumbnail icons for items


  • INTERNAL: New super-capable shader system by Olefar enabled all new features in this update.
  • NEW: 'Advanced' UI for modifying all Material qualities of your camo
  • NEW: Apply camos only to metal/non-metal parts, or different camos to each.
  • NEW: CamoShop will spawn in all TnH Supply Points and Ending.
  • NEW: UI buttons for REMOVE camo and PREVIEW locked camos.
  • NEW: "Gold-Terra" Mastery camo with unique unlock-challenge
  • NEW: Modders can add custom camos loaded from JSON (see examples in NGA-MasteryCamos)
  • NEW: Pagination in camo-select UI allows for more than 12 per Camo-type
  • NEW: UI updates for back-forth in Pack/Camos
  • FIX: Camo projections are now Tri-linear instead of UV based (will look like you actually spray painted or wrapped your gun)
  • FIX: Fixed textures on some modded scopes.
  • FIX: Shrunk/Grown guns with cheat codes can be vault-saved.
  • BALANCING: Max challenge per gun is 5 now
  • BALANCING: Decreased kill-count and other quest requirements (should be completable within 1 TnH game)
  • INTERNAL: Backwards compatible vault-system with 1.0
  • INTERNAL: Olefar provided camo-application optimizations for their new shader.


  • NEW: CamoShop auto-spawns at the beginning of TnH
  • NEW: Released Melon Camo Pack
  • FIX: Progress tracks for all guns the player has in quickbelt or is holding in hands
  • FIX: Spawn-lock-created items with camos applied will keep their camo
  • NEW: Easter Egg menu with SECRET codes, cheats, and functionalities.
  • BALANCING: Gold and Alien challenges set to to 100 XP and 1000 XP for release
  • BALANCING: Removed "seconds-remaining" and "meele kill" quests as they're not tracking the they should in TnH
  • INTERNAL: Asynchronous texture load will decrease frame drops when browsing camo packs and applying camos.


  • NEW: Mastery quests added automatically to guns placed in CamoShop.
  • NEW: Challenge UI huge overhaul
  • NEW: Add gun challenge unlock limit (4)
  • FIX: Remove flashlight retexture
  • BALANCING: Camos can be applied to non-gun items for free


  • NEW: Add lock system visible in camos (CHEATS button still there)
  • NEW: Added Quickbelt slot instead of tabletop
  • NEW: Challenge UI is fully functional (please try it out & give me feedback)
  • BALANCING: Some camo packs will have "FREE" camos you don't need to unlock
  • FIX: Red dots and Mammouth textures fixed
  • INTERNAL: Camo-pack mods now work as intended


  • NEW: Apply camos to any FVR Physical Object and it vault saves (attachments etc)
  • NEW: Gun camos are locked (remove with Cheats button, only in alpha/beta, will be really hidden on 1.0.0)
  • NEW: Challenges UI updated, but added challenges don't track & it's kinda buggy
  • NEW: New camo pack with 4 camos to test challenges
  • FIX: Camos no longer change after swapping magazines, now you should use the Camo Shop


  • NEW: Camo Shop early alpha mod released.
  • NEW: Allows others to add camo-pack mods as long as they follow this naming convention in their PNGs xx_CamoPackName_CamoType_CamoName.png.
  • INTERNAL: Internal representation of challenges and how they're attached to guns and camouflages implemented.
  • FIX: Camos no longer change after swapping magazines, now you should use the Camo Shop.


  • NEW: All guns now have GOLD and ALIEN mastery challenges. Only works in TnH.
  • NEW: Camos are scene and loadout vault saveable.
  • FIX: Smoke and other particle effects aren't colored anymore.


  • Camos change every time you change magazines in any gun.
  • 5 Skins loaded from mod file as PNGs
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