For TNH Gacha Progression: GunHat Trophy Cases, ...furniture soonGacha Accessories
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Items for secret "TNH Gacha Progression" mod.
Spawn under "Tools & Toys" > "Furniture" (likely a white square folder in the spawner)
- Gun hat trophy display cases (6)
- One trophy case for each rarity
- Auto-populate with hats you've unlocked when spawned/scene starts
- Vault-save and scene-save without errors
- You can grab them off the cases, put them in your gun
Known Bugs
- Go report new ones here: >>[Feedback form]<<
Planned Features
- [✓] 6 Trophy display cases for Gun Hats
- [_] Gacha Machine that takes in .69 Cash Money and outputs 1/16 scale gun
- [_] In-game loot crate, loot locker, food cooler
- 6 working trophy cases for gun hats