[2.0 Overhaul] Enhances TnH with lootable armor and collectible Gun Hats. Rewards scale with difficulty. See rules in Thunderstore page.Gacha Progression 2.0
Summary: Enhances TnH with lootable armor and collectible Gun Hats. Rewards scale with difficulty.
Please provide feedback after reading "Known Bugs".
>>[Feedback form]<<
How to Play:
- Download this mod
- Start playing any TNH game
- This mod will automatically reward you with lootboxes at the end of each round and on game completion
- You can reset hats unlock progress at any point (read below)
- You can go to Capoluseum Meatmas scene and sell your duplicate hats to buy more rare ones
- After you finish a Hold, you will be rewarded with a number of Gun-hat cases & keys
- Supply Points have a chance of spawning ARMOR & HELMETS, as well as gun-hat cases
- Finishing a game of TnH will award you with a custom loot crate
- All loot is scaled with TnH's difficulty {Basic, Hard, Impossible} (see below)
Difficulty Settings/Rewards
Difficulty is calculated based on score multiplier, set in TnH options screen before starting the game. No modifiers has a multiplier of 1. Setting "Radar Off" adds 3 points to score multiplier, for a total of 4 multiplier (yes, 4, i know).
- "Basic"
- Requirements: TnH multiplier less than 4
- Supply room has class-2 armor & helmet loot
- End-game award is 6 Gun-hat Lootboxes
- "Hard"
- Requirements: TnH multiplier is at least 4
- Supply room has class-3 armor & helmet loot
- Hold-finish award is x2 Basic
- End-game award is 12 Gun-hat Lootboxes
- "Impossible"
- Requirements: Have any of the below
- TnH multiplier of at least 10
- Any of these modifiers enabled: Hardcore-One Hit
- Any of these enemy characters: Welldone Freemeat, Zeke ZombieHunter, Flaccid Steak, Ricky Dicky Random, Tournament Toby
- Supply room has class 4+ armor & helmet loot
- Hold-finish award is x4 Basic
- End-game award is 46 Gun-hat Lootboxes
- Requirements: Have any of the below
Configurable Variables
"Overall", "ON/OFF", true, "Enable Gacha Progression"
"Reward Schedule", "Supply Room Spawn Chance", 0.3f, "Chance that a box in Supply rooms spawn will spawn loot on top of it."
"Clear Loadout on TnH Death", false, "When you die in TNH, whether we wipe what you're wearing clean."
"Reset Hat Progression", false, "Must be manually set back to false! If true, will re-lock all your hats rewards after you open your next hat case. Must be manually set back to false! Restart game."
**Reset Hat Progress**
Read instructions carefully!!!
If you already unlocked some hats and want to start all over, this mod lets you do so without affecting other unlocks, follow these steps EXACTLY!
PART 1: "Set Mod Panel Variable to TRUE"
- Turn your hand & open the Wrist-menu
- Click Custom Buttons Menu, and then click Spawn Mod Panel button
- In the red panel, click Plugins button and search the list to find "Gacha Progression"
- Click the "Gear" icon at the far right next to this mod's entry in the list
- Scroll to the "Difficulty" section and find the setting called "(Dangerous!) Reset Hat Progression"
- Set "(Dangerous!) Reset Hat Progression" value to "TRUE"
PART 2: "Open a hat-case from Item Spawner"
- Go to the nearest ItemSpawner (new version)
- Go to "Tools & Toys" category
- Find the "Gun Hats" section and enter it
- Spawn a "Hat Case" and "Key"
- Open the Hat case with the key
PART 3: "Restart the game"
- Quit the game
- Start the game again (this is needed because of Otherloader, sadly)
PART 4: "Set Mod Panel Variable to FALSE"
- Follow steps of PART 1 until step 5.
- Set "(Dangerous!) Reset Hat Progression" value to "FALSE"
- You're now done!
Known Bugs
- Go report new ones here: >>[Feedback form]<<
Planned Features
- [✓] Basic functionalities tested
- [✓] First balance & debug
- [✓] Add armor (eventually backpacks) at supply rooms depending on difficulty
- [✓] Ability to turn-off lootbox drops completely in gameplay (Gambling Safety)
- [✓] Add collector picture frames that auto-populate all the hats you've earned
- [✓] Break down Supply room chances by category (Armor, backpack, hatbox/key)
- [_]
Allow other loot mods to hook into loot pool (backpacks, armor, etc)not popular enough - [_]
Port over SMEME buying station (press X to doubt)too much work, you can still use Capoluseum Meatmas map's SMEME station to buy/sell duplicate hats
- FIX: Keys don't make party sound after you unlock a new hat.
- Complete gameplay overhaul
- BALANCING: Removed enemy-drops, they're chores to pick up, take u away from the game.
- NEW: Difficulty settings based on TnH score multiplier
- NEW: Rewards at end of hold scale with difficulty
- NEW: All unlocked gun-hats displayed when TnH game ends
- BALANCING: Gun-hat Keys and Cases always spawn together. No need to lug them around anymore.
- Balancing:
- Supply point loot is now broken down into classes with their own spawn % (Armor, Helmets, Hat-boxes/keys)
- New:
- Keys will spawn confetti every 10 seconds (configurable) so you don't miss them
- Ability to turn off lootbox drops (only spawn as reward at TNH end)
- Added collector picture frames dependency (find them in furniture)
- Bug fixes:
- Confetti only spawns when a NEW hat is unlocked
- Balancing:
- Tweaks to reward schedules
- New:
- Added armor and helmet loot spawns in Supply Room, scale with difficulty
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed all names of Gun Hats, previously rare ones didn't unlock properly.
- Patrols now also count towards hat-case reward kills
- Other broken stuff
- Balancing:
- Balanced supply room spawn rate
- Bug fixes
- Final reward not spawning
- Keys not spawning at correct intervals
- Balancing & New stuff:
- Dynamic rewards at the end of each Take
- Final rewards additive on difficulty
- Supply points can now spawn keys too
- Removed unbalanced hat/key drop rates depenending on difficulty.
- Changed some default values.
- Get insta reward on first kill
- Can reset hat-boxes unlocks
- Hat boxes actually work outside of Cappolusium
- Spawn hat boxes and keys as loot on enemy kills
- Spawn hat loot boxes in supply rooms
- Allows customization on reward schedule for spawn box and keys
- Spawns specific reward at end of TnH Game based on difficulty
- Can clear loadout if you die in TnH (optional)