

  • Everything's under namespace NGA
  • Class ExtensibleDictionary is made up of a list of key-value pairs 'DictionaryEntry'
    • Call ExtensibleDictionary.AddEntry to create a new key-value pair, .RemoveEntry to remove it by key, and .GetValue to get it value by key
      • Call .ContainsKey to quickly check if a key exists
    • Call ExtensibleDictionary.ToJson to turn the dictionary into a string
      • Calling .FromJson on a valid string will return ExtensibleDictionary
  • Class FileIO has utilities that let you write to your own mod's folder within the current profile
    • Call FileJsonIO.WriteToFile() with a filename (not a file path) and string content to write/clean-overwrite an existing file
    • Call .ReadFile() with a filename to read in string of that file

How to use in Your mod


  1. Add this to your plugin.csproj
<Reference Include="JsonSaveSystem">
  1. Add the JsonSaveSystem.dll file found in this mod's download to your local workspace, usually bin\Debug\net35
  2. Add [BepInDependency("NGA.JsonFileIO", "0.0.0")] at the top of your C# file class declaration.
  3. Add "NGA-JsonFileIO-0.0.1" to your manifest.json dependencies
  4. Use reference code: https://github.com/NewGenerationAlms/NgaShareableCode/blob/main/h3vr/maxwellrealism_mod/MaxwellRealism_Mod.cs
Collapsed Info
  • Nothing to see here

Planned Features

  • [✓] ExtensibleDictionary and FileIO classes work



  • Bug fixes
  • Allows different mods to use it simultanously
  • Example code link


  • Adds ExtensibleDictionary and FileIO
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