Safehouse for H3MP (Sponsored)

[>>[TUTORIAL_VIDEO: t-b-a]]

A standalone, independent version of Safehouse Progression made-for H3VR compatibility.

  • New buttons with multiplayer-friendly functionalities
  • Many more options for saving quickbelts and scenes
  • Audible "error boop" sounds when saving quickbelt or scene fails
  • Independent saving from original Safehouse Progression mod



  • Saves your current quickbelt loadout to a Vault file.
  • (Configurable) Cleans up all items you're currently wearing.


  • Spawns your previously-saved loadout.
  • Clears you current equipped items if nothing was saved.
  • (Configurable) After spawning, it will delete the saved loadout file to avoid duplication abuse.

Enter-Safehouse (HOST ONLY)

  • Only the H3MP host should click on this button, otherwise there may be weird desyncs.
  • Spawns you in your safehouse (configurable) map.
  • Automatically loads your last saved safehouse scene file.


  • Saves your current safehouse scene to a vault file.
  • (Configurable) Has a 1/(denominator) chance to create a backup vault file of the scene with current date & time. Default 50%.

Config Variables

  • House:
    • SceneID INDEX: Swap between 3 safehouse scene IDs you specified below.
    • Safehouse Scene ID: 1
    • Safehouse Scene ID: 2
    • Safehouse Scene ID: 3
  • Saving:
    • Delete Saved Loadout after Spawned: Whether the loadout you saved will be deleted after you press the Spawn-Loadout button.
    • Clear Quickbelt after Save-Loadout: Will clear everything you're wearing from your quickbelt after clicking Save-Loadout.
    • Chance to perform a backup (denominator): Creates a backup with a 1 in (denominator) chance% every time scene is saved. Default denominator of 2 means 1/2 or 50% chance.

Vanilla Scene IDs:

"Grillhouse_2Story", "IndoorRange",
"GP_Hangar", "SniperRange", "ArizonaTargets", 
"WarehouseRange_Rebuilt", "Friendly45_New", "ArizonaTargets_Night", 
"BreachAndClear_TestScene1", "ProvingGround", "ObstacleCourseScene1",
"NewSnowGlobe", "Wurstwurld1", "MF2_MainScene", "Boomskee",
"Testing3_LaserSword", "MeatGrinder","OmnisequencerTesting3",
"WinterWasteland", "Cappocolosseum", "SamplerPlatter  

Modded Scene IDs: After loading into a modded map, search the logs for a "SCENE ID: XXX". Copy whatever XXX is Exactly, including capital letters, spaces, and special characters.

Automatic Backup of Safehouse

There's a (Configurable) 50% chance that after you press "Save-Safehouse" a back-up scene save file of your safehouse will be created. You can find it in the 'Save/Load Scene' wrist menus with the format SCENENAME_BACKUP_DATE&TIME.
You will find these in your Wrist Menu > Load Scene > My Saved Scenes

Known Bugs

  • You may lose specific items in your loadout or safehouse when extracting or deploying. This is expected, reach out to the authors of the missing mods to ask for a "Vault Saving Fix".
  • Some items mounted on rails of missing items may cause game-breaking scenarios where scene/loadout won't finish saving :
  • Go report new ones here: >>[Feedback form]<<

Planned Features

  • [✓] Release demo for H3MP testing
  • [✓] Initial H3MP testing successful
  • [✓] Polishing rounds
  • [_] Port new configurable items to original Safehouse Progression



  • INTERNAL: Made all private methods public so others can mod on top of this mod.


  • Public release.


  • New: Ability to quickly swap between 3 safehouse scene ids.
  • Bug fix: After booting up the game, you can now load into a modded map safehouse without the game crashing.


  • Replaces "Confirm ???" with corresponding "Button Name ???" for QOL.


  • Adds new 'delete quickbelt on successful loadout save' configurable

0.0.1 (ALPHA!)

  • Adds new buttons for refactored functionalities.
  • Adds "error" noise whenever a loadout/scene can't be properly saved so user can remove offending items.
  • Tested locally without H3MP.
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