[Beta] Share your Vault Files for guns with zero code. Add this mod as a depenency, include some vault files with special prefix, and they will automatically install for others.Vault Gun Sharer (Beta)
- Share your Gun Vault Files with zero code.
- Simply add this mod as a depenency to your Mod
- Your Gun will auto load into others'
Documents\My Games\H3VR\Vault\Objects\BareObjects
folder. - Includes Vault Save Compatibility mod, so others can safely download your gun even if they're missing some dependencies in it.
SIMPLE How-to-Use:
Finding Gun File in your PC
- Open File Explorer in Windows
- Go to your
C:\Users\<YOU>\Documents\My Games\H3VR\Vault\Objects\BareObjects
folder - Select the Gun file you wish to share, and copy it with
Making a Gun Vault Mod
- Copy the Template Folder from to your computer and edit the contained files according to instructions below.
i. Your manifest's dependencies should look like this{ "name": "YourModName", "version_number": "1.0.0", "website_url": "", "description": "Your Mod description.", "dependencies": [ "NGA-VaultGunSharer-0.1.0" ] }
- Paste the gun vault configuration files you copied earlier, in step "Finding Gun File in your PC", into this mod folder.
i. Add the prefix"gun_shared_"
to the file name.
ii. Example, if the original file was calledPRIMER_VFL
, it should now be calledgun_shared_PRIMER_VFL
Uploading your Mod
- Compress your files with the default Windows compressor highlighted in the image below:
- Open
i. Create an account with the site if needed, you can use your GitHub too. - Drag the Zip file you created in the previous section where indicated.
i. Select your Team (your account)
ii. Ensure you haveH3VR
set as the game
iii. Set the Category toVault File
iv. Submit and debug. - Debugging Thunderstore (Common errors)
i. Yourimage
isn't called "icon" or it's not a PNG of size 256x256.
has error, validate it with
has MarkDown syntax error, validate it with
- Automatically loads any json gun vault files (objects or quickbelts) with "gun_shared_" prefix in their name to the /Plugins' subfolders
- Open Beta, let's see what breaks