Visual Hallucination. (COD Online Weapon)R.I.P Call of Duty: Online (CODOL)
Coming from a High-Tech Combat Adaptive Weapon System, it uses a special transparent material that allows you to inspect your weapon at any time. This gun combines the characteristics of battle rifles and submachine guns, making it very deadly in both long-range and close-range combat. (Translated using Google)
The ninth "Transformable" or "Convertible" weapon in Call of Duty: Online, Vision is a combination of MR23 (Semi-auto SCAR-H) and SMG5 (MP5K). Yes, it has a P90-like magazine, but back then, the PDW90 (P90) was way too OP, so in order not to get nuked by angry players, the developers decided to change its data to SMG5 at the last moment.
Both MR23 and SMG5 are very good weapons, but somehow the handling of Vision feels a little bit worse than both of them. Also, its transform animations is a bit boring: the red front "shroud" thing goes back, the sight frame folds down, and BOOM it's in SMG mode. Compared to other transformable weapons which have actually very impressive animations, that is very disappointing.
Hence, Vision becomes yet another "Looked cool but nobody liked" gun. No, I don't like it either, I made it just because it's a good and easy practice to learn how to reproduce transformable weapons in H3VR.
Can be found in Firearms/CODOnline.
- A detailed transformable weapon (no cool animations tho) use selector key (B/Y/Touchpad Left) to transform
- Cool floating sight
- Hold mag eject key(A/X/Touchpad Down) to open the "Maglid" thing
- A 40-round magazine with custom caseless rounds (uses G11 ammo data)
- 3 Additional attachments from CODOL
- Two Picatinny rails in the front for attachments (not modeled)
I Asked Myself These Questions
It is hard to aim with the sights
A: This weapon is ported from CODOL, where players can even aim without rear sights. So bear with it😢.
It's really ugly and buggy
A: Sorry, I'm not good at modding. If you have any suggestions, feel free tell me. (Discord: 妮可_Niko666 or NIko666#1374, I'm in UTC+8 timezone so probably won't respond to messages in time)
I want more
A: I'll do my best.🫡
- Devyn for the great tutorial
- Activision and Tencent for making Call of Duty: Online
- 闫智障没有春天 for the image
- TengNB and Frost for being my friends though they haven't played H3VR
- Sora101Ven and everybody else in H3VR Homebrew Discord server
- You
Something I want to say (Too long don't read)
On August 31, 2021, Tencent and Activision shut down the server of Call of Duty: Online, one of the greatest while the least known title in COD franchise. It was a game that I spent a lot of time on, and I'm really sad that it's gone. So, I searched mods about it in many games and eventually became a modder myself.
You see, CODOL is the predecessor of COD Warzone, inspired many later COD title, and its heritages are still alive in COD Mobile. It makes me sad that many people don't even have a chance to play CODOL. That's why I started to make mods about it, to make sure that the memories of CODOL will never be forgotten.
I know my mods are far from perfect, but I hope that you can enjoy them. Thank you for your support. Long live Call of Duty: Online and f*** Tencent and Activision.