A bundle of 30+ charms for you to attach on charm mounts!The FtrCharm Collection!
A handful of gizmos and doodads to wiggle right next to your gun! What some will call a gimmick, charms are a form of attachment that I do plan on supporting for future NGS, NXT, and Ftrmarket weapons (and was a bit painful to update prior releases with).
These charms can offer an array of specialties such as lights, reactive sounds, hidden clickable triggers, visual effects while you fire, and more! Because charms can never be simple. They gotta be special!
The launch collection features a ton of goodies found in other releases, even the stuff found in the NEXOTIC collection can be found here with all their surprise features.
If you wish to make your own charms, there is a unitypackage available in Homebrew 2, both with a holder to use for your firearms as well as an example charm to substitute with your own gnick gnacks at your disposal!
As of now these charms can only be applied to COD Ftrmarket guns, NEXT Gen Skins, and NEXOTICS. Will be looking into a universal mount to allow for vanilla weapons to have support for charms...
They are located in their own category of the Attachments section of the new spawner and new spawner only!
Thank you Cityrobo for the Firearm Heating FX script and adding attachment support to it!
Thanks Widepeepoclappy for the enthusiasm on bringing charms to H3VR, got my ass into gear in making it happen.
V1.0.0 -- Launch, 30+ charms, a majority of them coming from various skins I've done in the past, consider this the best-of collection. The item spawner icons will come at a later update (likely when the any-gun charm holder attachments come around). For now, have fun!
V1.0.1 -- Item spawner icons, one year later. Lmao