Shotgun 12? How clever.SG-12 Magfed Shotgun
That is the abbreviation, right? ShotGun-12? Right? Or is there some zombies lore to be found there?
In any case, this is the SG-12. A magfed shotgun that resembles an AA-12 and...
Oh, wait, in BO4, its closed bolt? But its so perfect for an open bolt configuration!
Fuck it! Lets go with both! Two shotgun configurations, open and closed, each with their own advantages and disadvantages!
Sources and Credits
Assets come from the game "Call of Duty - Black Ops 4". All my thanks for Yung in helping me make the COD Ftrmarket pack. If you wanna make COD stuff too, the pack link is available in the HB2 Discord!
V1.0.1 -- Decals update
V1.0.2 -- ID Meta data update, should appear in Scifi Sofia now~
V1.0.3 -- Charm Mount update
V1.0.4 -- BO4 Mod Tag Added
V1.0.5 -- PB Compatibility tweaks
V1.0.6 -- Second passthrough