Runs on batteries, guns like a classic AK!Volk Energy Rifle!
With all the good bells and whistles of a regular AK, alongside the lethality of battery powered laser rounds, this is the economical Kalishnikov!
Its been great fun to implement these IW weapons and the Volk has a soft spot in muh heart, I may or may not implement its variants down the line since that would not be a hassle for me.
In the meantime, enjoy this base variant!
Sources and Credits
Assets come from the game "Call of Duty - Infinite Warfare". Yung is da boss with da sauce!
V1.0.1 -- Charm Mount update
v1.0.2 -- IW Mod Tag update
v1.1.0 -- Fire rate tweaks (slower to match source material, instead of AK-47 fast), in turn I added the integrated laser for this gun. Lastly, bolt handle / bolt hybrid tweaks to allow Volk bolt SFX to play only when the bolt is charged, more closer to the source material.
V1.1.1 -- Fixed trigger rotating the wrong direction OOF
V1.1.2 -- PB Compatibility tweaks
V1.1.3 -- Bolt speed adjusted further with LSIIC testing, closer to that 483 RPM
V1.1.4 -- I FUCKED UP! Accidentally applied the changed bits to the bolt handle instead of the bolt! -2 speed held caused a reverse handle pulling phenomenon. TIL.
v1.1.5 -- Bolt was fixed but I forgor spring stiffness adjustments. Amateur hour right here.