Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades - Skinetic Mod

Skinetic Discord

Support for Skinetic haptic vest on Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades

⚠ This mod uses Skinetic SDK v1.6.2 and must be used with Skinetic vest firmware version 1.2.1 or later. Update your vest with Skinetic Hub if needed.


This mod adds haptic feedbacks to the Skinetic vest on various interactions, including:

  • Player Actions: Grabbing items, gun recoil (various weapons), reloading, belt actions, and melee attacks.
  • Player State: Damage (projectile, melee, explosion, burning), low-health heartbeat, and death.
  • Game Mode-Specific Interactions: Power-ups (heal, explosion, infinite ammo, etc.), Meat Fortress (rocket jump, MediGun), and Return of the Rotwieners (stomach inventory, eating, vomiting).

Table of Contents




  1. Install H3VR
  2. Install Thunderstore Manager
  3. Install this mod from Thunderstore Manager or proceed to the manual installation

Manual installation

  1. Download and install H3VR
  2. Download and install Thunderstore Mod Manager
  3. Install BepInExPack_H3VR in Thunderstore Mod Manager
  4. Download the mod archive
  5. Install the Skinetic Mod
    • Open your file explorer at C:\Users\[YourWindowsUser]\AppData\Roaming\Thunderstore Mod Manager\DataFolder\H3VR\profiles
    • If you cannot find the AppData folder, enable the Hidden Elements option in Windows
    • In the profiles folder, you should see a folder named after the profil you selected earlier (ex: Default). Open that folder.
    • Go to BepInEx/plugins. It should already exist if you did all the steps above.
    • From the archive extracted earlier, copy and past the folder Skinetic_H3VR (and its content) inside the plugins folder.


  • Turn on the Skinetic vest
  • Connect it with USB or turn on Bluetooth or Wi-Fi (follow the User Manual to pair your device or configure the Wi-Fi connection the first time)
  • Close any other software or game using the vest
  • Start the game from the Thunderstore Manager using the blue Modded button

Note: It is possible to connect (or reconnect) to the vest in-game when opening the wrist menu.


After the first start, settings should be available in the Thunderstore Mod Manager UI.

Skinetic allows you to set:

  • Grab Effect Enable: Default value is true. Set to false to disable haptic effect on grab interactions.

  • Vomit Effect Enable: Default value is true. Set to false to disable the Skinetic haptic effect associated with the in-game vomit action.

  • Default Volume: Controls the global volume of the patterns (in %). The value can be set from 0 to 250. At 100, the patterns' base volume is preserved and rendered as intended. Between 0 and 99, it's attenuated. Between 101 and 250, the volume is increased, which can lead to distortion of the effects and produce audible noise.

  • Serial Number: The default value is 0. This is the serial number of the Skinetic vest the mod will try to connect to. 0 means the first available Skinetic vest. This setting should only be changed if multiple vests are paired to the PC being used.

  • Boost Percent: int. From 0 to 100. The default value is 0%. This setting allows the end user to globally boost the effects played on the vest. At 0%, no boost is applied. From 1 to 100%, each pattern is altered to create a more punchy feel on Skinetic. For this mod, keeping this value below 30% will preserve most of the intended feel of each effect.

Edit Haptic Patterns

On the first start, the mod should also create a new folder SkineticPatterns with the different haptic patterns inside the game directory at /steamapps/common/H3VR/. The default location is usually C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/H3VR/.

Patterns located in /SkineticPatterns/ can be modified using Unitouch Studio. Each [patternName].spn file can be directly loaded and modified in the studio or completely replaced by a new file. To be triggered correctly, the new file must have the same name as the one it replaces.

To reset the patterns, simply delete or rename the folder containing them. This will force the mod to regenerate them the next time it starts.

Haptic interactions

Here is the list of haptized in-game interactions:

  • Player Actions

    • Grab items
    • Gun recoil
      • Pistols
      • Shotguns
      • Rifles
      • Bigger Rifles
      • Miniguns
      • Sosiggun
      • etc.
    • Gun Reload Actions
      • Breach or Latch Weapons
      • Load and Ejects Magazines, Clips or Rounds
      • Pull Bolts, Levers and Handles
      • Remove the safety
      • Rattle Sosigguns to reload
    • Belt actions
      • Store item or weapon in your belt
      • Lock the belt slot
    • And many more special interactions for the exotic guns
  • Player State

    • Damage received
      • Projectile (Blunt/Piercing)
      • Melee (Blunt/Piercing/Cutting)
      • Explosion
      • Burning
    • Heartbeat on low health
    • Death

And various game modes dedicated interactions:

  • PowerUp
    • Heal
    • Explosion
    • Infinite Ammo
    • Invincibility
    • Quad Damage
    • Speed Up
    • Regeneration
    • Muscle Meat
    • Ghosted
    • Cyclops
  • Meat Fortress
    • Rocket Jump
    • MediGun
  • Return of the Rotwieners
    • Stomac inventory
      • Eat Herbs, Meat Cores and Banger Junks
      • Vomit them later
    • Teleporter related interactions

Mod edition

For more advanced users and mod developers, this mod can be easily edited and updated. See Mod Edition Documentation

Version History

  • 1.1.0 - 10/2024

    • Manual reconnection
  • 1.0.0 - 08/2024

    • Bug fixes
    • Haptic pattern redesign and intensity balancing
  • 0.1.0

    • Beta Release


  • This mod is licensed under LGPL-v3.
  • It includes Skinetic SDK as a closed-source library. See the provided License files.


To get help, discuss good practices, or report any issue, join the Skinetic discord server.

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