What do you do when the melons knife back? Can only be found in H3MPs Body Wristmenu Panel.Meloncorp X DMZ PlayerBodies
This PlayerBody collection is a shoutout to the Gungeoneer of the Homebrew discord, the Melon himself. Originally I had planned on making these in time for Christmas but things blew out of control, so better late then never!
This pack features five PlayerBodies:
Gungeoneer: My personal depiction of the main man himself for all the tutorship and gun knowhow he has, I wonder if he would ever be interested in becoming an actual guns teacher? (Sorry it's not Gaz btw, but I hope you do enjoy it Melon!).
Cleaner: Melon Themed Chem Soldier, originally intended as a Backrooms reference to go with the Halloween PBs, now repurposed for this DMZ Meloncorp pack.
Fruitac: The Default Kortac 1 skin from MW '22, with a splash of that Meloncorp camo. I rocked Kortac I for a while because it was a close Darkness Bale equivalent, for free at the time! Now I can relive those earlier days with this PB.
Melontant: The Level 1250 skin for MW '22, a DMZ disguise turned Melon. You don't need to grind in a subpar Multiplayer to use this skin now, you can use it in H3!
Rind: The Jugg Suit PB, Rhino with a definite affinity for Watermelons, this PB will make you feel like 50000 health makes sense!
The pack comes a bit bulky but I hope it fits well to those looking for a bit more milsim in their meaty gunfights!
Models are sourced from MW '22, all thanks to Kirloper's Repo!
Thank you for looking out for me Melon, I am grateful for that kindness as it means a lot to me.